50 or more Projects Craftalong -2023

Wondering if my window paintings count as projects…

Tried to decorate some windows by painting bunnies on them.(because it’s year of the rabbit) Painting is not really my thing but I like to create a mess and I did get to create one… :grinning:
Children love the bunnies so I guess it’s all good.

Sometimes it’s great to try something that is not really your thing. Keeps the creative juices flowing :slightly_smiling_face:


Why wouldn’t it count as a project?

They are adorable and a fun way celebrate the year of the rabbit!


Idk…Temporary things that have no practical use have never really felt like projects to me. So I usually don’t count them.

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I think anything that uses your creative time is a project myself, but you can count them any way that makes sense to you!

I’ve painted murals for festival events that will be painted over after the event…I still consider them projects.


Everyone obviously gets to choose their own criteria. Some people get paid to paint windows, so it seems like a project. A wedding cake is temporary and not exactly practical and it seems like a project, too. But those are (some of) my criteria - we each get to count however we want!


Yo, everything is temporary eventually :wink:


I made my son a valentine.

Inside says: “You’re my flavorite son.”


It’s really cute and funny! I love punny things.


I love valentine puns but hate Halloween puns. Does this make sense? No.


Your bunnies are so sweet @Sleepless-Ghost!

Adorably hilarious valentine @irid3sc3nt!


Oh dang, I forgot to put whiskers on that cat!

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Finally done these letter tags, whew.


Testing out some plastic recycling methods.
I have loads of plastic breadbags and I don’t really want to throw them out because currently they are not recycled in my area.

So I made this pouch just to test the durability of the plastic material I just made.

I did not try to make it perfect because it’s just a trial.


That plastic material looks really cool! and yay making good use of waste plastics!

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You made your own plastic?? WOW! THAT’S SO COOL!

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Hey-hey, Crafty McCrafters! There’s a new badge for the wide-ranging makers!


Lettuce Craft has six distinct categories for crafting and some of our most adventurous crafters have journeyed onto all of these boards. They are our Crafty Chameleons!

If you have posted 3 or more projects to each of the crafting categories:
Home & Garden
Fashion & Wearables
Fiber & Textiles
Food & Drink
Paper & Vinyl Crafts

Send a message to @ moderators along with the links to your projects to claim your badge and have it activated!


I didn’t do anything special with my plastic.

I put a bigger piece of plastic(grocery bag) on the bottom and started layering cut up plastic on top of it.
Melted every layer together before adding the next one using baking paper and hot iron. Went really quick with the iron.
I added bigger clear plastic pieces last to keep it all together just to make sure that the corners of smaller pieces wouldn’t catch on anything.
I think it was about 5 layers altogether.
Also I discovered that not all plastics melt the same way. (should have known that)
Only stretchy plastics stick together. Other plastics peel apart.


I use a spray paint mask when working with things like that. But maybe you could try it outside.

I have done that too. Made some storage boxes for my coworker.
Also I embroidered a landscape picture(with plarn) on a pillow a few years ago. Alot easier than crocheting with it.

Have you tried weaving with them like with coffee bags?

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I like those bags for book binding.


I wonder if there is a small business that can reuse you paper bags? Here smaller thrift stores/charity shops will reuse bags from other stores. Same with some venders at farmers markets, craft fairs, vintage shows, rummage sales, Friends of the Library sales, these kinds of things.