A Portrait of Mia

While I was working on my painting I’m doing for @AIMR I thought to start on another because I’ve been having thoughts for a while on another.

So while finishing up the first painting, I picked one of my other empty canvases and started to just outline what I wanted.

I ended up doing a portrait of my dog, Mia and I think it turned out really good.

And the Painted Portrait:

The reference I used:

The necklace along the side was to fill the empty space and another way to hold Mia dear in the painting and to help show where some of her ashes are when I hold her close.


Awww, Mia is so sweet!


Aww, you worked so hard on this! It turned out fantastic! Sweet puppy!! I :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: and miss you! Muah!


I like how you captured the eyebrows and added texture to her muzzle!

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What a nice tribute to your family pet!

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Thank you all!!!


Beautiful tribute!

She looks so happy.

Here’s another picture taken in daylight which shows all her details even more:


I love this painting of Mia. It is just the sweetest.

So sweet! what a happy face! :dog: