There were a total of 44 actors and actresses. The lead actor had three pairs of pants, three vests, three shirts, three jackets, his duster coat, two hats, and two pair of shoes. In addition, he had to have suspenders for all the pants, a gun holster, and three ties.
Some of the ensemble actors and actresses had multiple small roles and had up to 10 costume changes! They are assigned a person who helps them do a “quick change”. This means almost all the costumes have to have large smooth zippers, big snaps, etc. Many wore two or even three pairs of pants or skirts and just peeled them off.
The biggest issue were hats…many forgot their hats! I don’t think the audience was aware since they had no idea who had a hat and who did not.
The show ends this Sunday…then the work of cleaning, cataloging, and storing all of the stuff begins!
Ironically, instead of making repairs now, we wait to see if the costume is used again…no sense wasting time if it is never used again or if a different sized person uses it. Of course, I want to replace buttons and zippers NOW, but, I have learned to think like a costumer and not a tailor.