Breaking News Announcement: Our first CAKE DAY!

Happy Birthday @audity!! :cake: :birthday:

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@audity happy birthday!!

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Happy birthday @audity ! :balloon::birthday::notes:

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oh wow! thank you guys!


Aw, mama. I hope you had such a great day!

Happy Birthday @Aurora2001 & @Chr1stchan & @Leigh !! !! !!
:cake: :birthday: :champagne: :cake: :birthday: :champagne: :cake:

Happy Birthday to you, @Aurora2001 & @Chr1stchan & @Leigh! Hope it’s a great day! :birthday:

Happy birthday @Aurora2001, @Leigh snd especially to my darling DIL @Chr1stchan!!! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

Happy Birthday @Immaculata & @LuckyXIIICreations & @Raury!! !! !!
:cake: :birthday: :champagne: :cake: :birthday: :champagne: :cake: :birthday:

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Happy Birthday, you three @Immaculata & @LuckyXIIICreations & @Raury! Hope you all have fabulous days! :balloon::birthday::balloon:

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@Immaculata @Raury @LuckyXIIICreations have a fabulous birthday!! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

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Aw, thank you all :heart_eyes_cat:


Happy Birthday @Kirsty !! :cake: :birthday:

@Kirsty happy birthday!! :partying_face::partying_face:

:partying_face: Happy birthday, @Kirsty :balloon::birthday:

:disappointed: (sigh)


I am so sorry. I started to write your birthday greetings this morning and then my 2 year old lost her β€˜rhymes with spit’ about something and then was sick and the day got away and I thought I had sent it! Gahhhh!

You are so good about checking these special day lists every single day. You are an amazing member of this community- one who really gives it heart and warmth and makes it feel like so much more than a corner of the internet and more like a cottage where we all are crafting and caring together.

You deserve all the tasty cakes one can imagine, tiny cakes to share with your little critter friends, giant cakes with human friends popping out bearing more cakes, and gifts and (ecologically sound) confetti and streamers.

I hope you have a wonderful day full of things that bring you happiness and joy.

:notes:Happy Birthday, @Harlan! You are a :star: Star! :balloon::balloon::balloon::birthday::birthday::notes:


Thank you!!

Hope your 2 year old is feeling a lot better!! It’s been a long time since my son was 2, but I remember those days well! :wink:

I did get cake, coconut cake & a call from one of my brothers. Pretty isolated where I live. I used to be pretty gregarious, active in different RL groups, but that all slipped away over the years.


Oh @Harlan! Happiest of birthdays to you!!! The birthday queen should NOT be forgotten on her day! All the love and best wishes to you!! :partying_face::birthday::birthday::ice_cream::cupcake::heart::heart::heart::heart:

A cute little bday song for LC’s best birthday cheerleader!

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I am home from work now, happy happy birthday to you @Harlan! :birthday: :cake: :partying_face:

If only you were in the happy mail craftalong, you’d have received many cards. Perhaps you’ll join?

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