Cancelled - Nashville TN Meetup Discussion (2023)

[Obligatory fun-spoiler pointing out that the pandemic isn’t actually over-- I personally know more people who have gotten covid in the last two weeks-- on three different continents-- than any time before this, ugh. Plus the sixteen gazillion head-colds running around now that most people aren’t masking.]

But that said, TN is probably within my driving radius, so I’ll keep an eye on the discussion and might come down if my life is sufficiently un-crazy the weekend you pick.


A lot of those head-colds are probably COVID, too! Has anyone you know gotten seriously ill/hospitalized for COVID recently?

I had heard that the variants that are infecting people now tend to produce less-severe infections. At least in people who are fully vaxxed. So I have been starting to slack off on precautions, I’ll admit.

This meet-up sounds fun! Hoping I can squeeze it in between volunteer/work responsibilities and moving plans. We’ll see!


Very true that the pandemic is still happening. For that reason, I do want to wait until the baby can be vaccinated at 6 months. She’s just over 3 months old, and should be eligible October 1st.


All the cheers for infant-approved vaccinations!

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This sounds awesome if I can make it.

I can’t do this year as we are back to work on 1sept, and don’t get a break until Christmas. I can do the first two weeks in April (Easter holidays) or from 20 June onwards. But don’t make any plans around my availability- if the euro keeps plummeting against the dollar I won’t be able to afford to go anywhere!


Had to edit my post about COVID variants being milder. Looks like the newest ones are worse again, preferring lungs to upper airways. sigh


I think early 2023 would work better for me. After Christmas, after all the cold weather affecting travel, and making everyone stay inside and spread more germs.
Just my preference.

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I agree no Jan - March because I’ll be coming from Michigan and the snow here might be crazy. It would be an 8.5 hour drive for me and I’d hate for 3+ of it to be icy/snowy.


Ok, so from what I’m gathering from folks…

-Prior to October 1st is out, because that’s the earliest I can get Ada vaccinated.
-November through Christmas are out due to crafting for holidays and the holidays themselves.
-January through March are out, because of possible hazardous conditions for drivers.

So that leaves the following windows…

-The first two weeks of October, 2022
-April 7-9 (Easter Weekend), 2023 - I am not religious and have no problem with this, but others might
-the following weekends in April (14-16, 21-23, or 28-30)
-May 2023
-June 2023
-July 2023
-August 2023
-September 2023


My preference would be May 2023. That would cover the vaccine for Ava, the holidays, weather, and then give a buffer for the Easter weekend. I am not sure about everyone else, but I don’t think my boss would like me taking more time off right after a holiday when I have had time off and work has piled up some. Also, I would want to spend Easter with my family and this would give people who are traveling farther time to save some money and plan in advance.


I think May or later in 2023 would work for me!


Definitely June-Aug is best for me.

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That time frame works for me too.

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Ok, so I’m taking October of 2022 off the table because there doesn’t seem to be much interest there. And I’m taking July & August off because it’s so miserably hot here then, and September off because so many families will have back to school stuff happening then. So that leaves the latter half of April, May, or June of 2023. I’ve updated the first post and title to show that.


What airport is nearest you, Nashville?

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Yep. It’s about 30 minutes from my front door to the airport terminal in average traffic.


Hello Friends! I’m editing this post to note that the proposed Nashville Meetup for this year is cancelled, because I moved away from Nashville. :laughing:

When I proposed the Meetup, I had no plans to move, but sometimes life takes unexpected, but exciting new turns. I’m now in central Illinois, and will therefore be moving the Meetup to my new home.

Here’s a new thread to plan for and discuss the new Meetup!

Meetup 2023 - Champaign, IL Crafty Shenanigans