CLOSED -50 or more Projects Craftalong -2023

Seems the older I get, the more things are too sweet for me. I have been eating cookies that are good for having with tea or coffee…shortbreads and plainer cookies are best for me. My husband still loves any cookie with chocolates or peanut butter or both! :slightly_smiling_face:

I do want to try the earl grey one…it has always been one of my favorite teas…green tea as well!

You don’t have to make your completed cross stitch into something other than a completed cross stitch to give it its own post! Please share it with the world!


It doesn’t have any choco chips in it, just the M&M minis and rainbow sprinkles. When the cookies are ready to be baked, you roll the outside of them in more m&ms and sprinkles. Overload! They look like a party.

I would love to try the earl grey ones as well. My husband likes to have that as his morning tea.

@irid3sc3nt & @AIMR I linked both tea flavored cookies in my post !


Yesss, thank you!
My son reminded me to start my Republic of Tea twelve days of sipping box. You’d think talking about tea cookies this morning would have made me think of it, lol.


Thank you! I am baking cookies this weekend!


I was thisclose to putting all these adorable mushrooms in the donation pile but no, they are too cute & I love them. So I picked up a skein of super thick sage green yarn & crocheted a garland with hanging loops on both ends, then strung it up in the front window. It’ll stay there year round.

The dog was aaaallll over me the entire time, I’m feeling like yarn work is gonna be iffy in the near future.


@irid3sc3nt haha I’m like that ! sometimes my brain just doesn’t link things together !

@AIMR OMG YES ! I can NOT wait to hear the feedback ! post pics !

@Magpie ahh so cute ! love the mushrooms

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It’s adorable! I feel like there isn’t possibly a more appropriate garland for your home than this. :heart:


I would have to disavow you if you had donated your famous mushrooms! I am looking forward to March Mushroom and Monster Madness!!!

Looks great!


I like that thick green yarn you used for them. They look so wonderful altogether!

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This is delightful! So glad you saved those mushrooms!


Adding 2 more bakes !

A variation of my reindeer sandwich cookies, I made cinnamon cookies with cookie butter spread in the shape of boba fett

I also made some pretzel shortbread wreaths that were supposed to go on top of some cupcakes I was planning on making for our Christmas lunch, but the lunch was canceled, so I ended up running home to grab the cookies to share. I was bummed they were undecorated though


I have made projects during this year, and if I look at my spreadsheet I have passed the 50-projects mark. I have not just updated here… And I wont update now either. But I will do better next year and update more regular. :slight_smile:


I’m seriously considering putting some version of posting more craft projects here on my next year goals list.


Our goal is just to keep you in a crafting frame of mind and a way to keep track if you want. I have seen so many projects that I am sure everyone was busy in 2023!

See anybody who wants to play in 2024!!!


I’m into it. I forget all the stuff I work on over a year, having a list to look back on it so great.


Not only have I been busy with holiday stuff and rehab on my ankle, but I got called in to help with a theater production,The Producers


I print out my list each year and have a notebook so I can at least see if there is anything I want to make again or to just remember a swap! It makes me feel productive to look back on as well!


I also love looking back at images of my year’s efforts! “Oh yeah, I made that!” I was just wondering about a 2024 version and it sounds like it’s going to happen. YEY! And THANK YOU, @AIMR for doing these!

In other news, yesterday, I hit 122 projects for the year! I feel so lucky to have the time and resources to make things to share and to keep. With 1.5 days left, I think I will hold steady: 1-22 is my birthday, so 122 feels “auspicious” or charmed or something.