I finished two for letter S but I’m still on the fence for one of them. Will start on letter f and go back and think about the other S.
I’ll probably be signing up but want to craft first, or get mostly done with crafting first so I don’t overcommit.
I will put out reminders again before we close up. I was going to work on mine this weekend but ended up having zero energy, so I just laid around and watched TV. Its okay to have one of those weekends now and then.
I think I have picked out what I am doing for both projects. I am super excited about one of them. It’s something new I have wanted to try for a while.
that is my plan as well
also @geekgirl, I’m on the same wavelength as you ~
I am overwhelmed with ideas and not sure sure what to go for. Lol.
I’ve got an idea for “F” but still pondering the “S”. Will do some Pinterest research later but yes, I want to do this.
Same - I’m keen but I’ll get my crafting done first, just in case things come up.
BTW the title says SU August 15 and the description in the questions August 14. That caught my eye, since my birthday is August 14
Tomorrow is the last day of work, then my summer holiday will start and much more time to craft, think, browse…
I change the title, but forgot the descrpition. I will update it when i get near a computer. I realized the end date for sign ups and the send out date for the inchie swap were the same and wanted to give it a day apart in case of anything weird.
I know back on Cster, entering dates as organizer were to be perfect or else you got troubles, haha! I thought of that, I don’t want you to get troubles and didn’t want to sound like a smartypants. Which I did when I read it now, sorry!
No worries. You didn’t. I should have let everyone know. I didn’t realize the send out date for the Inchies and partner notifications for this one were the same. I didn’t want to confuse anyone or have anyone miss a message in their mailbox.
Thank you for pointing it out! I appreciate it. And Happy Future birthday!
Note: The send out date for this swap did not change. I just added one more day to the sign ups.
@gozer is a Swap Mod, I doubt she’d give herself trouble
Hahaha! True. I’d have to give myself a pass this week.
Haha! Yeah okay, you can still can get into trouble but you can also fix it if you’re a swap mod
My first swap I was as a co host with Leslie. I read all the info on how to start a swap, which form to fill in, oh man I was so nervous. Especially because English isn’t my first language and I didn’t want to make a stupid mistake because of that. Like the date, August 14, huh? I would say and write 14 august.
Oh, you are right, it said SU date and not SO haha, both start with the S
I might have browsed pinterest and suddenly I had more ideas crafting the F and forgot what I had in mind for the s. Hahaha
I might even “cheat” and use Dutch words, keyring = Sleutelhanger for example
Dutch sounds like such a fun idea!
By the way, I create documentation for a European company and i write all my dates by that standard. It makes more sense, little to big! And my calendar day starts on Monday instead of the typical US Sunday, so i have to be careful and triple check myself a lot.
Oh, I’m totally going for Swedish words if I come up with a fun one. Come to think about it I could create anything and claim it’s Swedish/svensk :shifty eyes:
Hahah! I do documents in Swedish, but I only know mechanical & electrical parts terms like VÄXELLÅDA, STRÖMBRYTARE, KULLAGER, SKRUV, MUTTER, and the such.
S is nearly done. I realized I had already started an S with no plans for it when I finish.
Good timing then.
I started my F. Fingers crossed it doesnt turn onto a fail. Im really liking it so far!