I’ve got the crafts figured out. Now time to get supplies. Pretty excited to make ______.
I’ve been in the closet…fixing cracked corners and painting. Haven’t got my tic-tac-toe hat on yet. But I know it will be fun! I need to think start mulling over ideas.
Thanks to another remote learning day:
A) I made a lot of progress on one of my items, and I really like how it’s turning out.
B) I didn’t have to take a sick day while my little guy sleeps off the plague that’s going around.
I am pretty happy. No complaints at all. I won’t grumble too much if I have to take a real sick day tomorrow. There is so much ick going around. 17% of the kids were absent last Friday. I have threatened to spray my teenagers with Lysol if they get too close.
I finished 1 thing! I’m pretty happy with it. Now to decide what to make next.
How is everyone else doing?
Yay! Congratulations on your thing!
I have been home for a week with a sick kid. Silver linings:
- My anatomy & physiology classes get to watch Awakenings with Robin Williams, which is based on a true story. I hope they love it as much as I do.
- I have made quite a bit of progress. One item is done and another is at 75%. I am also pleased.
- I am listening to The Golden Thread: How Fabric Changed History as I work. It is kind of extraordinary to work my needle and thread and think of the ways we are connected to the spinners, weavers, knitters, and sewers who came before us.
I have caught a cold so I’m a bit behind.
But before I got all super gross I made a sketch of my idea and I’m pretty excited to put it all together.
I have two things very, very nearly done and one needs supplies still but I’m getting there.
I finally had some breathing room since the closet is finished. I’ve been brainstorming for @MightyMitochondria and have some great ideas spinning around in my head.
I think I have my plan. Now that the craziness of a hospitalized hubby and a house full of family is over, I’m hoping to have time today for some crafting, which my hubby affectionately refers to as “bunnystuffs”. Woot! Bunnystuffs for the win!!
Progress made on this swap today! Yay!
I keep running into supply issues and adjusting my plan, but it is still moving forward…
I’m still unpacking and organizing my craft stash after a year in storage and got a setback in that when I had to give up my shelves for retail products in the bike shop. I get to go pick up the rest of my studio furniture next week, so hopefully that’ll help…
I’m doing great, making progress on one item, and lots of other ideas too. It’s been very busy for me, so I’m a bit behind on posting - all good stuff though, I’ve been making prints for an exhibition and getting ready to go back to New Zealand to visit family soon too.
Yay for bunnystuffs!! (adorable ) Hope everything is going well in your household now!
I have the first item finished. Yay! And a solid plan for the others. They are starting construction work on our kitchen today. Door and window week. Let’s see how much chaos occurs.
Woah! I hope we get pics when it’s done, @marionberries!
@jemimah he’s healing up decently but will be dealing with wound care for a while. Thanks for asking.
I’m finished with my projects! Just gotta find time to get my package out the door….!
I am making good progress and having fun!
Done with one thing, 90% done with the second, 50% done with the third. This germ is still kicking my rear and I am sleeping a lot. Let’s hope I get some crafting in during my waking hours.
Done. My new used machine makes sewing a breeze. All packaged up. I’ll have to make a PO run to.orrow.
Woot! Woot! I finished everything, too. Getting to the post office is always the hard part for me.
And getting out the door is fun. We are moving our kitchen door to a new location and extending a deck walkway, so I have to check which door is safe to open during the day. The new door opening may happen tomorrow! I can always go out the front, but who uses that door?
I’ll try to get out to the PO tomorrow.