Check in time!
How is the crafting going? Having fun?
Crafting is going pretty well. I have a few projects done and hope to finish by this weekend.
Also-we have a sender! I will set up the swap gallery
Check in time!
How is the crafting going? Having fun?
Crafting is going pretty well. I have a few projects done and hope to finish by this weekend.
Also-we have a sender! I will set up the swap gallery
I’m struggling against restraints. We agreed to “small” but my inspiration is definitely extra double plus LARGE. It’s nagging at me, it wants to be made! sigh.
I have to revisit the Q & pinterest to pivot for this, then promise that other thing that I will make it later, lol.
I have all my supplies and I’m hoping to get a lot done this weekend. I’m actually taking one of the projects with me on my transit to campus this morning so I can work on it a bit.
I think I’m done crafting. I have 4 little things complete. Just looking to fill some box space with extras!
My extras are all here. I’m working on the main craft. I might make a second craft, it just depends on time and bravery. How’s that for a cryptic answer?
My main project is nearing the finish line! I have a couple of smaller items ready to go and other ideas on the back burner….
Making good progress on the main item. It’s so bitty.
Edit: yeah okay, I really love how it turned out. I think @Dooney will like it as well.
I think I’m going to need a bit of extra time for this.
We got word today that my auntie died. It’s sad, especially for my mom, it’s her last sister. But it’s not tragic, she was 95 and had an excellent life, married over 60 years and her husband is still alive, very close to her kids and grandkids. She died quickly and painlessly after a very brief illness, with complete faith that she’s going to meet her parents and sisters again in heaven. Honestly we should all be that lucky in the end. I can’t be sad over such a thing, but my mom will need extra time over the next while.
Oh, honey. So sorry about this. Take all the time you need. Hugs to you & your family.
Oooooh! I have been working ALL MONTH on one item. The rest is easy peasy, but this tiny thing is consuming all my waking hours!
That’s how I hope I’ll go, too.
Warm thoughts for your mom and the rest of your family.
I expect to send tomorrow.
Many hugs to you. She sounds like she passed well. It’s awful when you see a struggle.
I’m going on a short trip. I’m really not sure if I’ll be finished before the deadline. I may have to table this craft and make the other one I had in mind.
Everything is done except that one time-consuming thing, but I don’t think it will take much longer!
Edel-I am so sorry for your lost. Take as long as you need.
Does everyone need a little more time? How are we doing? I’m okay pushing the date a little bit.
I’m on track for a Monday send. I still just need to pick up some treats!
Hugs @Edel!
@kittykill I’m on track as I got the most complicated item done first but I’ll make use of extra time if given.
Everything is all wrapped and packaged! I hope it fits in a small flat rate.
I realized I can’t send Monday (duh, Abbie), so going to try to hit the PO today. If I don’t make it, then…Tuesday!
@kittykill I have a completely sendable swap package that meets requirements, but it doesn’t have the ONE THING that I’ve been working on all month. It’s nearly done, so I was going to send on Tuesday regardless, and send an addendum later if necessary. I sure wouldn’t mind a bit of an extension though!