Complete: Ongoing ATC Swap May 2023

:rainbow: @thanate 1/1/1
:rainbow: @bluebird 1/1/1 +2 angel cards!
:broken_heart:@Juju 2/0/0 (temporary negative due to illness)
:rainbow: @megwell 3/3/3
:rainbow: @Lynx 1/1/1

:seedling: new swapper (one claim until first card is received)
:snail: running late (with communication)
:package: sent!
:gift: received!
:rainbow: swapper is finished!


due 5/19:
megwell to thanate for something you’d include in a spellbook :package: 5/12 :gift:

due 5/20:
Juju to megwell for pinterest-inspired :snail:
angel card from bluebird :package: 6/12 :gift:

due 5/21:
megwell to Juju for color trio :package: 5/12 :gift:

due 5/22:
thanate to megwell for tbd :package: 5/23 :gift:
Juju to thanate for tbd :snail:
angel card from bluebird :package: 6/16 :gift:

due 6/1:
megwell to Juju for letter L :package: 6/1 :gift:

due 6/2:
Lynx2Lancer to megwell for artist’s choice :package: 5/31 :gift:

due 6/3:
bluebird to Lynx2Lancer for tbd :package: 5/30 :gift:

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