I need to fill out my info. I love this idea!
I’m in. Sending my info now.
I have a question: my son loves rainbows (and so do I)… could I fill in the questionnaire with stuff he’d like, but still craft for my partner myself?
I’m in! School is almost out and I’m ready to come out of teacher-mode for a bit. Sunshine and rainbows seems like just the thing!
Sounds good to me. Lots of people ask for things for other people.
We officially have four participants. Sign-ups end on Wednesday at noon (EST). If you want to join, go ahead and send in your questionnaire!
I’ll sign up tonight!
Can’t decide. It does have a long crafting period.
I’m not in a good headspace to decide today. I’m a little upset about three different FB Marketplace items that I was in the process of buying then fell through. Plus a park said they wouldn’t accept any more geocaches in their area, even though mine would have been much more fun than the tiny ones that are already there and are not maintained. In short, I’m irritated.
Oh no! I hope your month gets better.
You need some sunshine and rainbows in your life
I sent in my info! This will be fun
I’m planning to fill this out today! I have an idea brewing….
We would llove to have you! Tomorrow at noon (EST) is the deadline.
Also, if anyone is interested in having two partners, I forgot to add that to the questionnaire. Let me know!
I’m working on my questionnaire. I feel like this vacation will be good for crafting. I’m working on my first cardigan for me but a bit of sunshine and rainbows on the side will be nice.
I would love to but I’m having trouble with a medication and sleep. It’s not a good combination.
I’ll keep an eye out for the gallery!
It’s good to know your limits, but you will be missed. Hopefully, your medication will even out, and you can rest well again soon.
Sent my questionnaire
Sent my questionnaire in.
Sent my questionnaire! Finally.
Sending in my questionnaire shortly!
Just sent my questionnaire - I couldn’t resist!