COMPLETED - Scrappy Mail Fabric Swap - Round 2

Looks like I’ll be in the sending close to the deadline crowd as I haven’t started looking through my scraps yet and my sewing area shares a space with my husband’s WFH area.


My scraps are all assembled and I’ll be posting tomorrow!

I’m headed to New Orleans for work Weds-Fri, so I want this off my to-do list before I go.


All my envelopes are ready to go as soon as the post office opens tomorrow. I had to open and reseal four of them when I realized four of my mini-charm squares were mysteriously still on the kitchen table :woman_facepalming:.


If anyone wants more, send me your “i wish i vould get”, if i have it, I’ll send it off, no need to return send, I’m just tying to make space in my craft area🙂


The post office was closed when i went to send a package yesterday, but my mail was picked up and another package was delivered by the USPS (priority mail), so it looks like some departments were working, which is really weird.


My squares are in the mail!


Mine too!

Cutting them all out reminded me I need to get a better quilting square for measuring :joy:.


I mailed out this afternoon. :blush:


My husband went in to the office today so hoping to get everything cut today.


Sent this morning! USPS informed delivery has shown a few swap looking envelopes so hoping to have some pictures to post today too :slight_smile:


I am also shipping out today. I am leaving @magpie for last because she is going to get all the scraps from the cuts…even the teeny pieces! ha ha


I hope to finally have 2 minutes to string together today to press & cut so I can send on Monday.
What a frikken week! My work laid off the project manager & guess who is picking up the slack? Yup, my team, so the accountant & ME. I’m just the receptionist! (Running joke at work since I manage the whole dang office already). I’m going to ask for a raise because it’s all to ridiculous.
But first, fabric!


Yikes! Definitely ask for a raise now that you are taking on more responsibilities and duties!

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I’m sorry you’re dealing with all that. I hope you get a raise and work eases up!

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Guess what today is? It’s SENDOUTS! But nearly all of you awesome folks have already sent. How great is that?!?! 47 official packages have gone out now, and 12 have been received. I’m so impressed!

How are you doing @Magpie? On schedule to send today, or do you think you’ll need an extra day? @AIMR, how about your last package for Magpie?


Going out today! I’ll get you tracking number once the mail picks up at about 3:30 pm! YAY!


I would 100% be finished except for that naughty dog, lol. She didn’t leave me alone for a minute all weekend! It’s like suddenly having a toddler, wow.
The cards are ready, I just need an hour or 2 to sort & stuff. P.O. is open until 9 tonight.


I know how you feel…I have spent so much time picking up toys each morning, checking to see if he has sprayed or peed anywhere, and he seems to wake up at 4:30 am and wants to be fed…feels like having a toddler for sure…

A random fun Mini Charm idea that popped up on my Etsy landing page this morning:


Just a little reminder as we head into the holidays: please don’t forget LC this year! We enjoy this place for all the fun swaps and wonderful inspirations. We have formed some lasting and amazing friendships. And we have done it cost-free. Please think about giving to show your support and love of this great community!

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