Eensie Weensie Cairns

I visit my friend once in awhile and end up spending more time by the creek gathering stones than anything. I chose some tiny ones for this project.
I have come to the point where I have fallen out of love with E6000. So messy! So after the first one, using that, I switched to regular glue.


so itty bitty! I squealed!

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Wow, love the zen ambience!

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Those are so great! The more I work with miniatures, the more I realize how much talent goes into making even, what appears to be, the most simplest thing.


Nice, what will you do with them?

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they will hang out in my potted plants


Ooo, these would be great scenic additions to minis for tabletop gaming.


I love these cuties! Great idea to put in potted plants. I am going to start looking for tiny, flat rocks!

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They’re so tiny! Perfect for the smallest ledge!

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Ahhh so cuuuuute!