Happy Mail Craftalong 2022, The Year of Colors ~ Monthly themes and Birthdays too!


My name is Susan, I live in the Pacific Northwest in a little cottage with my two cats, my sewing machine, and lots of books & fabric. I love where I live - mountains, water, big green trees, rocky beaches, snow, flowers, rain rain rain, and birbs. Lots & lots of birds! My job is IT project manager, installing nationwide fiber optic networks. I love the mix of geekiness & project work. I work from home and the “no commute” thing is blissful. I love my goober 20-pound cat Orca, and my snuggly velcro 6 pound cat Oyster. I love reading, birding & roadtrips, tacos, trying new restaurants, soup dumplings, bagels, and black tea. (Lapsang Souchong, wild Wuyi, Yunnan, slow aged Puerh, etc) My favorite crafts are sewing, embroidery, and making 3d animals etc out of felt & fabrics. I will be learning etching & printmaking once classes start up at my friend’s studio.

For mail, i like anything - postcards, card/letter in an envelope, etc. I also do Postcrossing. If you want to include things, no confetti or loose glitter please! Goober cat eats that stuff. Papers of any kind are nifty, fabric scraps, buttons, old tickets, old greeting cards, and especially vintage computer punch cards. No halloween or horror / zombies / vampires.

But mainly, have fun creating something & i will like it!