Home decor and renovation craftalong

They ripped up the front of my house today. Pulled up the concrete path and some of the driveway, and all of the shrubbery. So, that looks different!


Wow! You’re really giving the place a facelift!


This particular update is more functional than cosmetic. The subsequent landscaping change is unavoidable. The foundation has settled and the ground slopes towards the house - not good! So, they’ll build it up and put concrete curbs around the raised beds, and redo the front walk/steps. They’ll also bury the downspouts and create better drainage.


Some small things done…

Finally got some nice towels for the guest bathroom. It might look like a 1980’s Mall Pizza Parlor bathroom, but at least it’s a neatly coordinated one.

Bought a couple of IKEA end tables off of Craig’s List, from a family moving across the country. I was glad to find something in good shape to reuse rather than buying new, but glad I know where they came from, and that there’s the possibility of picking up a matching dresser later if I want to. (Though I’d rather find something fun and funky.)

The master bathroom in our new house is garbage. The fan was installed upside down, so it blows ice cold air on you while you shower, and when you get out, there’s virtually rivers of water running down the walls, leading to water stains and track marks. There’s also an awful glass vessel sink that is never clean. It was clearly intended for a powder room, where someone might wash their hands, but definitely not brush their teeth. So right now, we can’t shower in there. That’s led to us using the upstairs bathroom that’s across from Ada’s room. Between the three of us, the bottles were out of control. New organizer (with a gap for the shower head hose!) really helped.

The previous owners left just two intact light bulbs in the chandelier in the entryway. There were a mix of colors and shapes, and nearly all were burnt out or shattered. Jim picked up new matching bulbs, and safely removed the broken ones. It’s so bright in there now! It doesn’t feel so dingy anymore.

The little hall between the kitchen, powder room, laundry room and garage was another bare bulb, but I was able to find a globe that fit for $8. Fixed!

I also built a pvc pipe and mesh bin to hold pool toys and floats (and inflatable light sabers!), reorganized the laundry room so I could store pool towels in a convenient cupboard, and built a water table for Ada to play with.

The house was finally starting to function well! ….then Jim picked up the last of our crap from storage. :pensive:


You sure have been working hard! It looks great! Sometimes the small fixes can really make a difference!

Your wall of boxes looks like mine…only, mine are still there after nearly 4 years! I guess I really didn’t need anything in them so it might be time for the dumpster.


It’s looking great! You’ll tackle those boxes in no time!

Water tables are so great. Looks like Ada loves it! :heart:


Everything looks great! And, you have all your craft stuff back! Lots of fun to be had once those boxes are unpacked.


I’m sure I’ve said it before, but that colour on your bedroom walls :heart_eyes: Your house is really starting to look very nice, even though I’m sure there are still lots of things to do. I love the chandelier and the floral wallpaper as well.

I get what you mean about your guest bathroom, that’s definitely a style from the past (it reminds me of the bathrooms in my highschool!) but at least in this picture it looks fine. It’s white, so pretty neutral, clean and functional. With those matching towels it looks nice and inviting, if I was your guest I would be more than happy.


Lol. What you can’t see is that there are random color tiles thrown in, in deep red and medium blue. It’s bonkers.


Currently unpacking boxes of books while Ada naps. Attempting to organize the library as I unpack it. The first few shelves on the left are fiction, alphabetical by author. On the right are various other non fiction subjects in groups. Not sure how I’ll arrange them yet… :thinking:


LOL that’s exactly what the bathrooms in my highschool had!! Except in primary colours, like a Mondriaan painting.

Arranging books is an ongoing thing for me, I tend to change my mind about the most logical way to arrange a library. I’m not allowed to mess around with Mr. Imma’s records, according to him none of my methods makes sense :laughing: Looks like you have a great space for your collection!

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Managed to unpack 7 boxes while she slept! And unbox and fill, and hang a new hummingbird feeder in the back yard, hung a wreath out front, and replaced the nasty old welcome mat. Oh, and mopped the kitchen floor. It turned into a mess when Jim brought all the boxes in, then somehow ants started getting in under our baseboards, and Ada is in her food throwing stage, so that was a problem. Thank goodness it was one hell of a nap.


What a wonderful space for reading! You are definitely way more organized with your books than I am! I keep meaning to “make sense” of them, but the only section organized are unread books. The rest are for show so however they fit. ha


I love shelfies! It’s fun how everyone organizes their books differently. You have so many shelves - and built-ins! Swoon!

I organize more by genre, topic, and size…though I try to keep them grouped by author, it’s never alphabetical.


I worked at Borders for awhile. I can’t help the leftover tendency to organize.


It works! Finally figured out what was wrong and got it fixed.

Of course, the concrete guys pushed us back to next week (our builder is pissed), so we have to navigate the torn up porch/driveway for a few extra days. Oh, well.


I’m so excited! My pegboards are up… And loaded!


Amazing! I’m jealous of your organization, lol.


Thanks! I love having my tools in one place. I’m hoping it will encourage me to put things away when I’m done, because I’m a hot mess. The wire bins have sewing/quilting projects in various stages of completion…seeing them helps me remember that they exist. I’m a very out-of-sight means out-of-mind person.


They poured concrete yesterday. Just the driveway fix and the walkway, we scrubbed the idea of the curb around the landscaping. My 7-year old loved watching them work.

And, my barstools are supposed to be delivered this afternoon. That’s a few weeks sooner than we expected, so that’s a welcome surprise.