“I Survived” Patch

I’ve had the idea for this in my head for a while, and (funnily enough) finished designing it while listening to a zoom meeting at school this week.

It might be one of the things I make to give my colleagues for their Christmas presents this year :slight_smile:
I showed them to my friends and family and some have ordered some from me for the teachers in their lives, I was very chuffed about that :slight_smile:


This teacher thinks that is the most AMAZING merit badge! So, so, cool!!!


That’s great! I’m sure your coworkers will love them.


Hahahaha. Perfection!

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That is one badge that was fought hard for! Ha! It looks great. Your badges are fantastic!


This sub teacher who also survived remote teaching does too!


Oh, gosh, half the people I know need one of these. Parents, kids, & teachers. Whee!


That is so great!


That’s great!

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What a great idea.

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What a fantastic design! I know a great many people who would appreciate that one!

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Congrats! Your “I Survived” Patch is one of this week’s featured projects. You are awesome.


Oh my gosh, PrincessP! This is perfect! I’m sure all your colleagues will absolutely love it!


As a parent, yes, this is fab.
I just read that my kiddo may be going back to remote learning. We were lucky enough to be in a low number county that the elementary students could go back to the building, but the counts are going up again.

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I hope everything works out ok for you xx

Thank you. They are going back to remote learning after Thanksgiving. sigh

We’re remote starting next week plus the following week. If the numbers keep rising, that could change. But, every day, we have another family that wants to switch from the hybrid model to full remote. Not sure what will happen if that trend continues!

It’s a tough decision for families and the schools in general. Single parents need the schools to be open so someone will be watching their kids. Schools want to be open for the kids, but can’t risk getting everyone sick. Our county is closing because of the rising cases and also when classes have to go into quarantine, it wipes out a bunch of staff and the schools can’t cope with it.

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