Leon’s Window - An homage to a movie and a Craftster

Every detail of this is amazing. Definitely a gift of love. Yay for thriftmas and for your creativity!

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Thanks everyone! :heart:

This place is so full of love. I’m glad the people, and especially the mods, were not willing to give up and let go of the phenomenal community that had been nurtured over the years.

Holy smokes, this is incredible! All of the little details and the craftwomanship is stupendous. Excellent miniature scene!

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Thank you! :heart:

This is such a loving project, and I adore your family’s concept of a thriftmas! I feel a strong desire to adopt that practice as well! I love the in progress shots you included and all the details you’ve written up. Thanks so much for sharing your process!

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Thanks so much :blush:

I’d say if you’re interested in thriftmas it’s worth trying to work out a version that works for you. We will definitely be continuing with it. It made so many of the gifts that extra little bit special.

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