Little Good Things (R2) gallery!

OK. Snail potholders…all the blue…everything…Pottermouth has renamed “small.”


@Mountains_and_Clouds, I’m so glad you like the bear! I, too, love tiny things, but man, are they hard to work on! My eyes are getting too old for stitches that size! I’m also glad she’s a good size for your Blythe doll, I hoped, but I wasn’t completely sure!


did I mention the tea? the lemon honey tea stirrer? the soap cover! eek, can’t believe i left so much off. (I have wanted a soap cover for so many years) the local color added in?


Omg he is so freaking adorable.

Hahaha on blurring Blythe out.

Wow. Seriously impressive!

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Yay! I am so glad you like your box of cleaning supplies! :laughing:

The soap cover started out as a Swiffer cover, but I couldn’t figure out why it was odd-looking, so I showed it to Kid 1 and she was like, “um, that’s waaaay too small, you have to try again”. I unravelled half of the cover and neatened the edges, added a button and loop and turned it into a “soap cover”. If the second Swiffer cover is too small, lemme know. It will make a great soap cover.


The zippered bags are wonderful! Perfectly straight stitching…:heart_eyes:

Love, love the rope pot and baby succulent. It is a happy fellow!

Ooooh, snowflake dishcloth…must have pattern…so pretty

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That song is stuck in my head now too, lol! It’s a monumental ATC that can give multiple people ear worms, my gosh!

What size is that Poe quote painting? It is so perfectly done, steady hands for sure!

The pouches are great but what a cool idea to make the small one squared off like that too. I will have to try that, it’s such a great shape.

The crochet succulent in the scrappy twine pot is amazing and so is that alcohol ink card, super pretty.

@kayrun you can upload a photo of the adorable bird hoop you got right from the reply box, just click on the icon with the little mountain shape in it, right there at the top of the reply window ;).
Also, I really like the snowflake dish cloth you sent to bugaboo, that’s a great shape for those.

Pottermouth, lol. I know some people crochet to reduce stress. Have you been in need of calming? You should be reeeal relaxed after that pile o’ projects :laughing:

Great packages so far everybody, I am really cheered by all these good things and I’m feeling the love that’s been carried over here from that old place with all of us :).

Oh my goodness! Away from the gallery for most of the day and it just EXPLODED! Everything is just so cool! Love the jellyfish picture, tiny teddy, Tardis paper cut, those ATCs, Poe quote, zipper pouches, fabric rope flowerpot, tiny rabbit… I’m just so blown away by all the talent and all the amazing gifts!

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Wow, all those yarny goodies are amazing!! The pouches are beautifully done! The bear card! The succulents! So much lovely stuff.

I think I might NEED a tiny bear and a tiny bunny.

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Whoa, so many new things, wasn’t I just here? I cannot be sure at the moment. Not since I went to the post office yesterday with my two partners’ packages to finally send them out, and found them in my backpack this morning. That was so surreal! I mean I didn’t just stand at the post office and leave, I did pick up a parcel (book swap, yay!). But not send out?! Later I even messaged everyone concerned to let them know the tracking numbers… So @thanate, @TheMistressT, @Magpie and @psyche: In case you were wondering, the numbers should work as of now, the packages were handed over to the nice folks at the post office a few minutes after opening time this morning!


Loveliness everywhere!

5 x 7 or 6 x 8 – I can’t remember! :slight_smile:

This whole gallery is so lovely. <3

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That is some BIG “little” pkg!
Very nice, and that teeny tiny bunny & house are just adorable!

Hehe! It’s like there are some swap goblins about being cheeky!

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Thanks – I’ve tried uploading a pic a couple of times, and must not be
“holding my mouth right” as we say here in the South when things aren’t working out, LOL
I may message you later if I can’t get anywhere or is there a Help Desk around here?
I just hate to bother the leaders when they are busy trying to manage the entire site!

ETA: figured it out! I hadn’t reached Basic level yet & wasn’t allowed to post photos for a bit~

HOT DANG! I’m overwhelmed by all the great swap packages! I’m kind of speechless and stammer-y. And my swap anxiety is UP. Now I’m not sure how quickly I want my package to Anne to arrive in Germany…


I feel you! I made thoughtful and deliberate choices based on what I knew about my partners, but…dang, some of these packages…


Remember what our fearless leaders said …

I know, I get swap anxiety and self doubt too, (especially with a gallery that’s this amazing already!) but then I try to remember that the reason I make things is that it gives me a lot of joy, both to create something, and to think of how it will brighten someone’s day to receive a little thing made for them with love.

This community is all about the creative love, I really trust that. We don’t all have huge amounts of time or extra funds, but there’s always so much love and appreciation in every swap gift :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Really, no need to be! But I feel the same way as my packages are a tad closer to requirements. And I have to admit I even took a shortcut with the cards, you’ll see!


Mine are also on-requirements. And I didn’t realize people were going to be making their cards. I didn’t make mine (super not a papercrafter), but I picked things that I thought were beautiful and that I have been saving for a long time for something special. :heart: