Moondance is made from a 7 inch diameter old glass bottle bottom. When we found it this idea came into my head. Took me a while to get up the courage - I’m no painter- but this weekend I did it!
It looks great.
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That is fun to use a 3D element in your painting. How did you secure it on there?
Pretty! I love how found objects inspire your art!
That is really cool! Isn’t it amazing how things almost make themselves sometimes?
How did you adhere it to the canvas?
The water highlights is great! And I love mixed media!
Oh, neato! The bottle bottom does look very moon-like. Glad you found the confidence to do it; it turned out great!
What a great idea!
Thank you!
What a cool idea! I would never have thought of making some awesome 3-D art out of an abandoned bottle bottom. It looks amazing.
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Wicked industrial glue!
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It’s a beautiful painting and I love the found element as well!
Thank you so much!
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I love this mix of media!