Mystical Wind Drifter Quilt

Thanks for sharing your process and your tips!


Thank you for all that detail. I’ll definitely start doodling designs.
I use a similar method to you for pinning my quilt. I have used basting spray but I ran out. And while it was great, it definitely leaves sticky spots. I tape everything down too. The only difference between my method and yours is that I start pinning from the centre out in a radial pattern.


That’s how I pin, too. I pin my backing down to the carpet before I lay down the batting and top. I still occasionally get a pucker, but nothing too horrible.


absolutely beautiful!

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Gorgeous quilt, the stitching really adds so much. I struggle with all that rolling & holding, I think I’ll look for a local long arm quilter to send out to.

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Thank you for taking the time to explain your process in such detail. I can sew, but I don’t quilt and it’s fascinating to learn about this.