Paper, Mixed Media, Art Journaling Craftalong 2024

I’m kind of the opposite, I like them as live classes because I see it as an event but I’m highly unlikely to ever go back and watch the videos.

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Here is my journal page for January’s prompt.

I already had a lot of the back ground done.
I chose the Australian Aborginal tale about the rainbow serpent.

Before anyone asks where my snake’s head is you can choose your answer:

1 - it’s off the left side of the page
2- it’s an abstract piece that’s just meant to represent a serpent

I added some 2024 comments to myself in white gel pen around the snake in messy writing not really meant for me to reread.


That’s really cool. The serpent looks like it’s scrappy sewn on which makes it even more fun.

I was just going to post that link - saw it on Instagram.

And continuing on with the Artsy Marathon - Liz Constable made buddy books. Two books any size where the cover art is complimentary to the other book. Or you can stamp half on one book and the other half on the second book.

I was trying to stay up for Deedee Catron’s lesson but I went to bed at 10 so I missed it.

Overall, I think it was better this year - more ideas to make books or stuff to put in your books/journals. Less spiritual stuff this year. And several African American teachers.

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In the middle…hiding inbetween the pages…

Love the scribble writing and the snake pattern!

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Not the prompt, but I made something today
Yes, alcohol ink again.


I like the messy writing around the snake!

I also signed up for the linked Feb challenge. Sounds simple and fun!


I also signed up. I didn’t realize until after that it seems watercolor-based, but I’m sure I can hack it to work for me.


Today is day 3 of Catherine Rains 10 day free collage kickstart class

Made some collage papers using plastic wrap/ cling film


Super cool!!!

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Such interesting textures! Very cool.
I made some gelli prints today- will probably tinker with them further-


Instead of working on my Galentine’s swap project, I threw together a little junk journal for the February challenge.

Side note: Apparently I’m someone who just whips up journals now, which is wild to me.


Love the swirly ones at the bottom!


Lots of collage papers from the free 10 day collage class by Catherine Rains


Oh, oh, I’ve got to try some of these, never made collages before but I’m going to now!

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she does a lot of free demos on you tube on making papers

and I took her free 5 day day class last year and really liked it. she will walk you though making various papers and then using them to make mini collages


All day I’ve been thinking it was Sunday and the zoom was tomorrow. :woman_facepalming: Looking forward to zooming and making some collage papers on Monday!

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I don’t think I can quote images, so I’ll use a screen shot, but I’m mesmerized by this one and can’t figure out how it was made. The effects inside the circles give a very stormy vibe. So cool!

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Yeah that one came out great.

That was dipping a lid on paint, making a bunch of circles then spraying the page with water.

You can also paint the circles on with a brush and do the same