Show off your crafting space

The “Show Me Your Sewing Space” thread is so interesting and full of great pictures of sewing rooms and set ups, I thought it might be cool to share photos of spaces where other crafting work is done.
I’m lucky enough to live in a house with 2 rooms in the attic for crafting. I just rearranged the sewing things in the larger room and the rest of the crafting things in the smaller room along with our guest bed. It is far from glamourous but I am so happy and grateful to have a room for arting.

These baskets are full of WIPs, I’ve made a deal with myself that I can start a new project when I empty those out. We’ll see how that goes :smile:.

Here is the guest bed, this is also where my mister sits and reads and keeps me company :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.


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