Snakes doing ballet?

Congrats! Your Snake Doing Ballet is one of this week’s featured projects. Way to rock!

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These are so adorable!

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Your sneks in toe shoes are full of charm! And now I want to come up with a ballet snek joke that starts with “A snake walks into a barre…”


“…and says, ‘I’d like a beer, plies’?”


haha! Nailed it.


Thank you so much, everyone! The snake joke was en Pointe!


These are hilarious! Why shouldn’t the world have dramatically dancing sneks?! They are all so cute and funny, but I think I like the one with the legwarmer best. Also, I applaud your use of a newish-to-you medium. Watercolors never behave the way I think they ought to.

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So cute!

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ssssuper cute!

your ability to think outside the box is fantastic.

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I love watercolor so much. It is such an immediate medium. You are using it very well. I am looking forward to seeing more projects from you. Yay!

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I love these! Especially the last illustration of the snake with the legwarmer :smile:

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So adorable! Gave me a good giggle too.

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