STS (Shop The Swap) 2022 Fall Market Discussion

Everyone cross your fingers for me that this weekend’s house project goes smoothly and quickly - it’s going to determine how much crafting time I have to restock my shop! :grin:


Reminder my flash sale ends tomorrow! I’ve also added a new twill block towel to my shop. Any claims made before 1:30pm central today will hopefully ship out this afternoon. Thanks for looking!


I wanted to show the ceramic tile I received from @artsycandice. It looks awesome in my curio cabinet with my catrina dolls.

I am at the end of my mail persons route and things aren’t delivered until around 7. Since I have a secure parcel locker I usually don’t check my box until early the next morning after I walk the dog. I wanted y’all to know that in case you get a delivery notification, but no message from me. I’ll sure I will message you in the am!


I agree on the excitement of seeing waves of new things being restocked!

Shop news: I am still working away on a little mesh produce bag & the pattern is giving me fits! Hope to get it posted this evening. And I ordered yarn (gah!) to make some bigger pumpkins that caught my eye yesterday, so hopefully they will whip up quickly with thick yarn~

I added a hat & shawlette to my shop: SHOP and am working on getting a photo from my phone of a printed scarf


gorgeous! also that color & weave one is fantastic! (I had a hard time choosing one!)


I opened my shop today. There are a few things that I didn’t craft in time, but that’s okay because I can make them for later.


And it looks like you have been busy making sales!
Sad I missed the swirly snail :snail:


I could probably make another one… it may not be exactly identical.


I have added a mix and match 2 for 1 pt section, and some new items like mini envelopes and my popular bird photography notecards!


I added some kinetic Christmas cards today!!


Hi all! :slight_smile: This is not directed at any one person, but I want to remind everyone about all the things that need to be included when claiming.

I know its easy to forget something because it can be exciting to get a claim in and you want to hurry because you don’t want to miss the item. :slight_smile:

Every claim needs to have:

  • the send by date
  • the send to from info (swapper A to swapper B)
  • the items clearly described using the shop owner’s words so its clear to all what is being claimed
  • the total points for your claim
  • the shipping address
  • and it needs to be sent to both the shop owner and myself

We haven’t run into this situation yet, but the rules of the swap say that if there are multiple claims for the same item the FIRST person to submit a properly formatted claim for an item will win the item.

With the way this swap has been so busy with claiming, I am fearing this situation will happen soon and I will have to disappoint someone by telling them even though they submitted the first claim that someone else won the item because their claim was missing information.

Similarly, if I have asked you to fix your claim your claim is not valid until you have fixed the necessary items. And if a new claim comes in for the same item while I am waiting for you to correct your claim, I am obligated to let the second person win the claim if they have submitted a properly formatted claim.

This has been a super fun and exciting round of the STS, thanks everyone! :blush:


I just want to say I’ve been super impressed with how on top of everything you’ve been! Even my husband has commented about how well everything is organized and has been running. This has been such a fun swap already, I’m looking forward to continuing to play the next 6 weeks :slight_smile:


totally agree! kudos to @bluebird for being so efficient every day! a big job, for sure!
and I’m so happy that this swap has such a long run time, so I can keep working on more goodies to add to my shop!


I’m enjoying it and seeing all the nifty stuff everyone is putting in. Especially the handmade items. I also like the fact that once you get your shop open, you basically can work at your own pace of putting stuff in. It’s really great! I’ve never participated in one of these before.

I’m putting some hand drawn ATC’S in my shop. If anyone wants to take a look see. There will be more things next week. I’m putting the finishing touches on a few things to mail out Tuesday and then I’ll be set to work on my shop stuff.

Bluebird has done a fantastic job! It’s reassuring for us newbies to know she’s got things under control. Thanks @Bluebird! :hugs:


I do have a question: Do I claim again once I have sent tracking information to all parties involved? Or do I wait until my partners have received? I think it’s the former, but I just want to be sure I’m doing it right.


As soon as you’ve messaged out the tracking numbers you can claim. I often makes claims right in the post office parking lot after I’ve sent out my tracking info. lol.


Aww, thank you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m also looking forward to the next six weeks of swapping! We’ve already hit 102 claims! :tada:

Yes, like artsycandice said, as soon as you’ve mailed out and notified everyone you move your pending points to available points and are free to shop with them. :slight_smile:


I wanted to echo everyone’s sentiment. You are killing it! I would be going bonkers and I promise to be better when claiming. I, for one, have been a mess. You are so awesome! Thank you for keeping all of us straight and hosting!!!


I’ll add my kudos as well! @bluebird, you’re doing an amazing job at keeping all the clambering chaos at bay. This has been such a wonderful experience so far (even when I’ve made errors) and it’s due in large part to your kind and skillful facilitation. Thanks so much!


I concur! I messed up my first claim and you messaged me super fast and were very kind.

Thank you so much @bluebird! I’m glad I logged onto to LC when I did and saw that this swap was happening!