That’s cute but I am a huge fan of your gnomes.
The tree is adorable!
I went by UPS to see if I could ship it there (nope, 3x’s the price) and they said they heard it was staffing issues. They could have at least put a note on the door.
My post office had the same issue, a couple of weeks back. They were closed like 4 times when I went there (including the serve-yourself package drop!) Only one time, was there a sign. I wonder if it’s a kind of soft boycott…
One of the workers later told me it was staffing issues, that they used to have no problem staffing because they were allowed to offer overtime, but now they are not allowed.
I couldn’t mail out yesterday at the contract station because their system was down. I know they had just gotten the update where they have to type in the whole address. Such a pita for them.
I used the kiosk for the first time. I didnt think the labels were as sticky as the regular ones. I put them in the drop box and after they disappeared i looked at the receipt and realized it didnt print. I was holding a blank piece of paper!
Its been one of those days. At least i know tomorrow will be better. Lol
Finally gave Little Guy his bag from @Lynx he loves it!!!
And I love that he can carry his own things to the park!
I like the kiosk for the most part, but the small labels can be confusing if you’re sending a lot of small packages at once. Super glad a contract station opened up closer to me than the regular P.O. I used to like the one in Ace Hardware, but then more people discovered it, there was a line in a boring aisle, and then I spent money at Ace because I felt bad going in there without buying something. They also usually had something I wanted to purchase so that was on me.
This new place is a gift shop, but most of the stuff is not my style. They do have fun cards, though.
I love this!
It is such a beautiful day when kids start carrying their own things! Ha!
@bluebird When Mr gets back with the receipt I’ll pm you the info. Just letting you know it’s on its way to @endymion .
In other news, I’ll hopefully have some new stuff in shop next week. I thought about doing some glue charms, and a couple of ornaments if y’all would be interested in those.
Ok, thanks!
I am going to hold off using my points until I know all my packages arrived safely after the kiosk debacle.
cuuuuuuuute! and oh so useful!
and @Lynx those ornaments are cool!
I have a macramé kit I bought a few weeks ago, but now i’m having doubts that I’ll ever make it. I’m thinking of listing it in my supply section, if anyone is interested.
And of course anytime I type the word
“macramé”, I think of the April fool theme from the old site
Macrame is back-ra-me!
Just added more greeting cards to my shop
You know it, chica!
I received my custom teabag bookmarks from @Bunny1kenobi and I wanted to show how lovely they turned out!