Terry Pratchett Shadowbox

Thanks everyone! :grinning: this was definitely a fun one to make.

Ahhhh - Terry Pratchett - bless his soul and if only he were still around to give us his humour and off beat wisdom. Great quote and love that shadowbox - so happy to hear that there is another generation of Pratchett lovers.

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that would be a good feature

I love the variety of mushrooms, they are so adorable. Is the bottom actual moss?

Yes, I had some laying around from another project so I figured it would be the perfect ground cover in the shadow box. :smiley:

So awesome!

Thank you! :blush:

This makes me giggle with joy!

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This is brilliant!

Aw thanks @randomlygen :grinning:

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This turned out so cool! No wonder he loves it! I have been particularly enamored with mushroom themed papers lately and this is getting my creative juices flowing for possible projects. Hmmmmmmmm.

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This is just fantastic! <3

Funny and cute. Great lettering. So often letter can kill a great project. You nailed it!

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