Threading a Needle

This is my submission for the stitch along. The theme was Live in Love. I love stitching. It brings me so much joy and is the perfect way I show my love.


That feels like the perfect embodiment of living love. :heart:

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This is perfect and so you!

…and over the years, you sure have shared your love with so many others…this is a beautiful representation of you…

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This is so cool! Love the roses and the fringe, and how it embodies you so well.

So lovely :heart:

I love this so much! The choice of thread colors, and stitching is spot on!

Thanks everyone!

Very cool!

Beautiful! I really like the nails.

So sweet :slight_smile: I love the extra details on the hands - the roses and fringed sleeves

So many cool details! I love this piece!!

It’s beautiful! Your stitching is on point as usual (see what I did there :grin: )

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Lovely! The hands look so gentle and peaceful.