Three shawls

Here are three different shawls I’ve made this year from this pattern:

A certain somebody decided she HAD to help photograph my shawls and seemed pretty offended when I suggested she move :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


They are all beautiful, but I especially like the second one!

They look so different even if they are the same pattern…the yarn really changed the looks!

Can’t blame your kitty for wanting to “help” photograph them!


Lovely, my favourite is the first one

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Gorgeous! Each is magnificently different and YES! That variegated middle one, what yarn is it? I am in love :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Beautiful! I love your model!

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Lovely shawls.

Tell us more about the kitty! :smile:

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Thank you! I wish I could remember the name of that yarn, but I don’t have the labels anymore. ToT I bought it in a charming yarn shop in Germany! It’s actually two balls of the variegated yarn, but I realized I didn’t have quite enough to make the size I wanted, so I mixed in some solid-colored yarn that I just happened to have in my stash that complemented the colors! :slight_smile: You can see three stripes of that yarn kind of in the middle (pink, teal, and navy) and some partial stripes of the same colors again at the bottom.


Hee hee, Paprika is my adorable cuddly goofball and she likes to involve herself in all my projects; my crafts tend to be very fuzzy and not just from the yarn! ^^;


Awwwww, thanks!

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Those solid stripes honestly make it. They set off & highlight the rest fabulously.


My fave is the blue one, But they are all lovely!


I didn’t even know cats wore shawls! :rofl: They’re all lovely. It’s neat to see how the yarn choices change the look of the same pattern.


Each one is pretty but that middle one is :star_struck:!

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:green_heart: :green_heart: Congratualations! The beautiful shawls, and that cute cat are a FEATURED PROJECT! :green_heart: :green_heart:
Thank you for sharing your talent (and kitty pics) with Lettuce Craft!

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