

Formerly known as cabaute on the prior site which shall not be named :slight_smile:

I enjoy crocheting, sewing and papercrafting, and I’ll try almost anything. I go through long bouts of heavy depression where I don’t do anything but try to lose myself in video games and fail to create things, so I try to exercise the craft muscle sometimes just to pull me out of the mindless funk.

I am married and child free. I have two (absolutely spoiled rotten) dogs, a male Welsh Terrier named Charlie and a female Wire Hair Fox Terrier named Emma. We have a small (van-sized) RV and love to travel around in it, both with the dogs and on our own (on the occasion that it doesn’t make sense to bring them, like when we go to Disney World).

I am a fan of a lot of different movies and books, including LOTR, Firefly, Star Wars, Star Trek, Supernatural, Game of Thrones, Handmaid’s Tale, Stranger Things, The Good Witch, Gilmore Girls, Peaky Blinders… I’m sure I’m missing a lot.