Mom of adult children, happily married to my business partner (we have a bicycle repair and build shop), building an adobe house and living in a schoolie on site in the meantime. It’s an adventure.
I paint (watercolor mostly), draw, sew, knit, bake (all gluten-free), can, garden, and generally make as much as I can from scratch. I have been an art teacher, a special ed teacher, a Girl Scout leader, and a stay at home mom. I was on the old site as SuomiSidhe. Now I run a bike repair shop, do bike fitting, and try to sell paintings. I’m also now the vice-president for my local watercolor society.
For craft swaps, about me: I love earthy colors, purples, wildflowers, coyotes, song birds, hawks, ravens, black cats, big earrings that won’t fall out of my previously stretched piercings, kitchen stuff, batik, ATCs, magnets, bicycles, knitting stitch markers, art history nerdiness, coffee (& wine), retro kitsch cowgirls, bizarre cute, and dark humor.