2022 Mend and maintain-along

I have never even heard of a half belt! How cool is this!

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I did a search. Most seem to go from ftont loops around. Either way it’s cool.

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Clever idea!

We had a mouse in the house a while back. We think we succesfully found his little house because we closed up the hole and haven’t seen him again. But what our little visitor did in the short time he was with us, is that he chewed a hole in the toe of a sock I’d only just knitted and maybe wore two times. And now I’m facing a dilemma: I could fix the little hole. But the sock ended up slightly too big because I’d accidentally grabbed the wrong sock needles from my set and knitted them with needles one size too big. Maybe… I should just completely frog them and knit them again?


I have one sock that I did the exact same thing…used the wrong size! It has been sitting in a drawer for three years. I am going to frog it and reknit it…I have decided to frog a few items I have made since I didn’t like the pattern or the shape or the size…but I still like the yarn!


I’ve frogged both socks! They were just slightly too big, still comfortable for on the sofa, but as I needed to mend one anyway I figured I could just as well knit them again in the right size.

Plus, I didn’t feel like mending today :laughing:


Extra bonus: the yarn and fun lasts longer if you rip it back a lot :sweat_smile:


Someone posted a video of how to hem jeans while keeping the original hem. I filed it away in my YouTube files and forgot about it…until now…

I have lost some weight so a lot of my tops now have sleeves that are way too long for me. I put off hemming them because many had cuffs…I didn’t want to have to undo them or just roll them up and create bulk. This video worked perfectly! So far, I have only done my pajama tops (4 of them)…they went quickly!

How to hem keeping original seams


It’s cold, and all my wrist warmers are downstairs. I finally fixed my favourites:

Perhaps not the neatest mend, but it works! It’s a mix of actual knitting, fixing stitches with a crochet hooks, duplicate stitch and kitchener stitch. It’s supposed to be all garter stitch there, but I think I accidentally added a row of stockinette.

I bought these many years ago, and I’m pleased I finally have the skill to fix it. Also the bravery and cold hands giving me some motivation to try.


Forgot to quote the November prompt… I’m thinking about felting a cardigan that has definitely passed its prime, and also is a tad bit small.


I need to fix more holes in some sweaters I’m going to sacrifice another sweater for patches.


I was moving the mending mountain in the diningroom to make way for thanksgiving and noticed my special sweater has another hole in it that I didn’t notice before. I’ll have to give it special attention next weekend. I’m still working out how visible I want the mends to be on that project.


When wearing the cosy and newly mended fingerless mittens I discovered a hole in the other one. Mended it. Discovered a second hole while weaving the ends in. Mended it.

Guess what? Found a third one :laughing: I ran out of my pre cut yarn after the third mend, so when I found a fourth one I saved it for today. The mends are getting prettier and prettier, so there’s that!


That is exactly how the beauty of sashiko started…all those mends turned out so pretty together. I sometimes wanted to make holes on purpose in my jeans just so I could mend them! lol

You need to show off your mends when you are done!



They’re not very visible:

There are two in the palm of the hand, and two on the right edge. I managed to sew them closed remaking the stitches as I went. The first one was a bit trickier since more fabric was missing. These were fairly easy in comparison.

Maybe I can face the chicken top soon… It’s been in the mending pile for a while. There are two holes in one of the sleeves. The problem with thin, comfy fabric…


My sweater challenge:

I can’t work on it until after the weekend, but now it’s all I can think about, naturally. Lol


I haven’t revisited the sweater yet, but I’m trying out a new “intention” with my overfull mending pile. Having to move it for Thanksgiving stirred up more than just dust bunnies. I want to get my act together better over here, so for December (but starting yesterday for good measure) I am taking the item on top of the pile daily and processing it that day. Either mend it or move it out. No more dithering.
Yesterday I stitched up a knit hat for my husband and today is to be a torn throw pillow I rather like.

Hopefully by January 1 my pile will be no more. We’ll see.
November 30- warm up mend: hat
December 1: pillow

imperfect but done.
Day 2: button on a shirt

(turned into 3 buttons as they all started falling off as I worked but… done!)
Day 3: darn a sock
Day 4: Rudolph Stuffie

Done (plus a loose seam on an antler)
Day 5: seam on an old lightweight dressbarn sweater

Autumn pillow

Day 6: seam on a prairie bonnet

It needs its elastic replaced, too, but I’m considering it done both because I do not have any elastic and also because it is a play dress-up hat. She can use it without it getting more damaged now and I’m calling that done. :heavy_check_mark:
Also: drawstring bag (my mother made to send with me to Girl Scout sleep away camp in 1987)

Not pretty, but the draw string now draws. So :heavy_check_mark:
Day 7, an easy one:
Moved two pairs of kidlet leggings to the fabric pile… she grew out of them before I got to them again! I might be able to use them for future legging repairs.
Day 8-14:
Missed a few days in here with silly adulting stuff taking up head-space and time. But managed to whittle out a couple of things I am just not going to mend and moved them to the rag box for ickier mess needs.
Day 15: That sweater is staring me down. I looked it over again but I can’t figure out how I want to proceed. So I shoved it aside and took a dress-up princess arm band thing from the pile that’s really just junk and tossed it back in the costume box. She doesn’t care that it’s missing a flower, and I need to get this momentum back.
Day 16-26: no mending, just Christmas prep
Day 27: fixed elephant nose:

Day 28-30: nothing of note
Day 31: Happy New Year!

Total mends: 13


I like your mending pile challenge @AntBee I usually don’t do well with keeping up ”one thing a day” type challenges, but a couple days here and there of mending or getting rid of is better than none at all.


Oh oh, perfect, there is a christmas decoration my grandmother made that I have been meaning to clean & repair! Anyone have a lead on truly vintage Christmas sew-on sequins?


Thanks! That’s my thinking, too. December is such a busy month, there will likely be days where I dont get one done, but I figured if it was a little game for me to try then at least more days than not would see some mending happen and that is way more than was happening before- so a win either way!