2023 DeStash-Along

I made a blouse from fabric I bought at a thrift store over a year ago!
But I won’t post it until I do the buttonholes, and can’t do them until my newly purchased buttonholer arrives.
one step forward, two backward?

Interestingly, I’ve been sorting through my huge stash of fabric, removing the pieces that are too small or too “meh”. So I went to make a blouse and…I hardly have any fabric that’s suitable for clothing I actually want to make. I have only 7 pieces of plainweave cotton fabric that are at least 2 yards long.
7 pieces out of hundreds of yards of “plainweave cotton fabric” in a myriad of colors and prints.

I thought I wasn’t being productive because I was lazy. Maybe not having good materials to work with is part of the equation, too. Laziness is definitely still on the table, though. And being buried in stuff I don’t need and will never use.


:seedling: :honeybee: :tulip: :four_leaf_clover: :butterfly: :sun_with_face: :seedling: :honeybee: :tulip: :four_leaf_clover: :butterfly: :sun_with_face: :seedling: :honeybee: :tulip: :four_leaf_clover: :butterfly: :sun_with_face: :seedling: :honeybee: :tulip: :four_leaf_clover: :butterfly: :sun_with_face:

HEY EV-ERY-BODY! It’s time to vote in the Spring Is In The Air Challenge! Get on over there before the poll closes on March 27, 2023!

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Destashed to a friend’s little darling, my daughter’s collection of mom-made crochet food.
She’s turning 16 & is over it. She did keep the sushi though so that’s a nice memory.

And teeny wee cuties.

I am having such fun being a weird auntie!


Play food was always so fun as a kid. I would have loved pretending with these.

Side note: The first time I saw a kiwifruit I was in high school! It was very exotic and we were amazed when our classmate sliced open this hairy brown thing to reveal the gorgeous inside. It is really a little miracle. Contrasting to that, I was introduced to durian shortly after I moved out here seventeen-some years ago. Feet. Rancid feet. No thank you.


Rancid gym socks forgotten in a locker over summer break :nauseated_face:

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Mote yarn destashed.


Lotsa novelty prints/flannels destashed! WOO! Also almost all my black, double-fold, extra-wide bias tape. WOO WOO!



I bought a durian once, but chickened out on eating it.


Last fall I traveled back to the land of where they have large Asian grocery stores and visited 3 trying to fill TheMisterT’s “order” - he does all our cooking and loves to try all the things. ANYWAY, I grabbed a bag of durian candies and they aren’t totally awful. Kind of icky-good like stinky cheese.


One of my destash projects was finally received so I can share! It went to a cutie so I had to up the charm factor on this simple vest pattern.

Now working on a shawl with fingering weight yarn and toothpick needles. This won’t take me forever, I’m sure!


Oh, this is lovely!

How precious! Your knitting is gorgeous and so is that yarn.

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Beautiful work…the heart makes it very unique and special!

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Thank you! I was glad to use up this squishy lush yarn

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How about colour blocking? I love this look, it’s so nice being able to use a few pretty fabrics together.

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I’ve set aside a few combinations that might work out. Problem is that most pieces are just too small, and I’m not a fan of crazy quilt clothes–at least not for me, I think some look pretty cool on others. Though those big side pockets would reduce the length of fabric needed for the sides, I’ll think about that…

My new (40- year-old) buttonholer arrived, and it even works on my modern janome machine! Pretty buttonholes, yay!


Destashed these 2 amis to a coworker for a kid he knows that has hamsters.

They only needed cute faces to be done, finally stitched them up & sent them on their way!


Those are so cute, @Magpie !

I finally finished my fabric inventory - roughly 520 fabrics, and about 272 yards by weight (which is super inaccurate but you’ve got to start somewhere), mostly in pieces less than half a yard. I had no idea! I just thought I had two small dressers plus a couple tubs.

It may not have made much sense but I did the inventory before weeding, so that’s the next task on my plate. I should be able to do a first pass cull this weekend and then start trying to find things new homes, either in the crafting channel on our work Slack or the neighborhood buy-nothing group. Let’s see if I can reduce this massive stash it by a couple containers!

You can fit a lot of fabric in a small space:


Oh man, can I come over? I adore all those tiny prints!

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I destashed some orange and green fabrics…hardly a dent, but, at least I did not purchase any more!

I followed the carrot bag tutorial that @magpie posted…