2023 DeStash-Along

I had that sort of thing handed down from my great-aunt’s stash, and now I have a curtain in my craft room from an off cut that cost 50 cents in 1960-something.


10pm is the perfect time to start the yarn stash project right?

Here’s what we’re starting with. Way too much for someone whose only knitting projects last year were some ornaments, right?

The goal is to make decisions on all the half finished projects in the laundry basket and hopefully get everything to fit in the foot locker. I have an audiobook and no concept of a reasonable bedtime - let’s do this!


2 hours later and mission accomplished.

The three balls on top are the ones I intend to work on next and the paper bag is full of items to donate. I didn’t cull quite as much as I expected but I was able to repackage everything much more compactly (using ziplocks and those zippered cases sheets come in).


Well done! you’re an inspiration :grinning:

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Excellent! What a productive night!

I was also up way past my bedtime. Sadly I can’t show you guys pictures of what I did, because I was working on favors for the LC Midwest Meetup happening THIS WEEK!!!


Oooh, how fun to meet up in person!!

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After coming back from the Barbie movie last night I decided I needed to sew something doll related. Tiny scraps aren’t going to make much of a dent in stash but it’s nice to have lawn on hand.


Cute dress, and the colors are perfect for her. What kind of doll is that? She has the most precious facial expression.

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I have less crafting time lately, but I did get to do two projects from all stash in the last couple of days.



A few more stash-only paper projects: two more make-a-wish birthday matchboxes and a bunch of “handmade” tags. The stamps and their coordinating dies are new, but the papers were on hand.





Apologies! I forgot to post the themes earlier in the month, so you’ll find them below.



Color: Purple
Pattern: Curves and Swirls
For: Yourself. Make yourself a very merry UnBirthday Present. Especially if you normally craft for others. You deserve to enjoy the fruits of your labor.


This crazy beauty destashed…

  • Lots of leftover quilt pieces, quilt squares, and stash fabric
  • A lone top sheet
  • A mattress pad
    and it will be donated so it won’t hang out in my house!

On Sunday, up walks my co-chair of the Knitting and Sewing Booth at our Holiday Fair. With two bags of donated yarn!

I said no thank you and didn’t even paw through the bags!

Whew…that was hard.

Sample image below:


That WAS hard! Well done!!

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I would have snatched up the Caron Simply Soft in one swoop…you are a stronger person than I…


I would have totally scooped it up. That kind of yarn is great for my charity hats I make for our city’s unhoused population. Won’t shrink if it gets wet.

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All I’ve wanted to knit this year are washcloths and doll sweaters. This hasn’t been great for destashing because I didn’t start the year with any cotton yarn in stash, and doll sweaters use about a quarter of a ball of sock yarn. That’s not going to put a dent in things any time soon.

Anywho, here’s the latest nonsense - the pattern was for a completely different size doll but I had fingering weight yarn and a mystery sock needle on hand instead of any of the materials/tools called for. Love the way it turned out.


I do as well! The colors work well together and I like the wee cuffs.