2025 February Thing-A-Day Craftalong

Thanks to @AcadianDriftwood for the inspiration for this craftalong and the language below.

Let’s challenge ourselves to make something every day for the month of February! This craftalong is a place to share our motivation, progress, links, finished objects, and failures too, as we work our way through the month.

What counts as a Thing for the day? That’s entirely up to you! Maybe you want to finish something small, or just work for 20 minutes on a larger project. Whatever you feel is an act of creation, that’s what we’re going for.

We encourage sharing pictures of what you did each day. If you’re the list making type, you may use your first post on this thread to edit as you go to see all your things at once. But make sure you still post a new reply to the thread - it’s easy to miss an edit if it’s buried way upthread. And we want to see and encourage each other!


Thank you so much for doing this. I have been struggling hard with balance this winter and have done next to zero creative endeavoring. I appreciate this warm and cozy space of encouragement- it gently pushes the craft supplies towards me with daily nudges as everyone pops in to share what they’ve been up to.
Happy crafting, everyone!


I am looking forward to this, too. I am returning to feeling creative again after a hectic fall/early winter. It feels like coming home. :heart:


Agree with @AntBee, I need accountability to get and stay motivated. I’ll get in on this one.


I’m in.
Feb 1 - happy heavenly birthday, Dad :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Feb 2 - studio rearrange

Feb 3 working on a teeny wee dolly

Feb 4 another teeny wee dolly

Feb 5 Dolly

Feb 6 Today’s activity was going to the thrift shop at lunch to find fabric for more little dollies. This is two pillowcases and a shirt, probably enough for 800 dolls.

Feb 7 The furthest I’m going to get today is laundering those fabrics.
Feb 8 First day I’ve had with Rob since last weekend! We did allthethings together for our Saturday date day; picked up new-to-us dining chairs, Punjabi Mart for interesting groceries, thrift shop donation & shopping, coffee & pizza out, all 4 floors of the antique mall - fun! Then I cooked a veg-positive dinner, cleaned up, & now I’m folding laundry, whew. Maybe ms dolly will get a dress tonight, we’ll see. Hand sewing is difficult in nighttime lighting.
Feb 9 organized the pantry & fridge, cooked a bunch of stuff. Busy Sunday.
Feb 10 Another busy work day followed by cooking & cleaning :confused:
Picked up a couch, fed my helper dinner, cleaned up, now I’m pooped.

A lot of cooking happened & a few days of writing cards. Now I gotta pack for a trip!


I’ll join again this year! I’ll start out working on fish hats & then whatever sounds fun. :grin:


Oh, ~$&%^! This starts tomorrow! I will give it a try, but may not be able to come up with something to take on my trip the 2nd week of Feb. I will reserve this spot, anyway.

  1. I worked on some sort of elaborate tags for gifts I’m taking along on a little trip I’m taking later this month.

    2 More tag work today.

    3 gathered up dies and some other supplies for finishing tags.

    4 Did some die cutting and gluing on the tags

    5 Put away Sizzix stuff, swept up paper bits.
    6 More tidying of the craft space.
    7 Put away my Cricut, wrote a sentiment inside a card.
    8 Made notes for anticipated AZ travel scrapbook
    9 Visiting with cousins, didn’t do a dang thing
    10 Scrapbook… scrapped. Didn’t take pics, etc. No regrets.
    11 Here’s to trying this craftalong again next year!

I’m in, except my thinging will mostly involve cleaning up the absolute fall-out zone that is my craft space :grimacing:. I’m hoping the accountability and marathon-vs-sprint mentality of the craftalong will keep me chipping away at it. Don’t expect pictures :laughing:.


I’m in! Reserving this for my updates.

Swatched 29 watercolors
2. Worked on happy mail bits and bobs (can’t share yet)
3. Snuck in some loose watercolor flowers just under the wire.

4. Gouache under-painting

5. Watercolor flowers & baking

7. Watercolor & ink postcard


9. Cookie decorating class with friends

10. Nada
11. Gouache painting

12. Finished gouache painting
13. Nada
14. Baked cookies & finished another postcard

15. Scanned art, started watching a new tutorial
16. Made fudge, sealed a painting
17. Working on a folk art flower


19. Folk art flowers sketch


22. Swatched new colors on a small swatch card

23. Swatched existing colors on a new card & created a thumbnail sketch for a planned painting.

24. Swatched watercolors.

25. Painted a 4x6 art swap piece.
26. Painted a 4x6 art swap piece
27. Made Banana Bread and Ginger Muffins
28. Made base for art piece


I would like to try this - I’ve been making lots of things (especially drawings) but very bad at posting pics and sharing.

  1. Worked on three sewing WIPs (turning embroidered pieces into finished objects)
  2. Wrote a letter for InCoWriMo
  3. did something?
  4. drawing at the Japanese Gardens
  5. did some writing and editing on my short story collection
  6. designed and started new time management plan
  7. drew a frog with dip pen and India ink
  8. wrote letters
  9. a letter and some handmade cards

Pondering “small win” categories for today to get the party started over here. I’m feeling so blah, uncreative, and overwhelmed in other life categories this is going to take some thinking.

Maybe a crochet coaster or icecream pint holder. We’ll see.


Doing Hourly Comics Day:


I really enjoyed following along with your day! The similarities to my own day made me smile (there are no skulls involved, but there will be machine embroidery), right down to going to the computer to check on a design, only to be instantly distracted - that’s my every day :smile:.
I’m curious about The New Permian Extinction. I hope you’ll post pics!


I don’t know if I’ll get a thing done everyday, but here’s my space for tracking on the days I do get things done!


I’m in …

  1. Crochet headband for grand daughter and weaving.
  2. Weaving
  3. Weaving
  4. Quiet book
  5. Baking and quiet book
  6. Quiet book
  7. Shopping for supplies
  8. Quiet book all day
  9. Quiet book
  10. Quiet book and weaving because we had no power for over an hour.
  11. Quiet book
  12. Quiet book
  13. Quiet book
  14. Crafting with A and finished quiet book !!
  15. Finished weaving my scarf
  16. Wrote postcards
  17. Made a tea towel warp
  18. Weaving
  19. Birding/photography and studied weaving book
  20. Studied weaving book
  21. Weaving
  22. Weaving
  23. Tiny bit of weaving with A
  24. Weaving
  25. Traveling so no crafting bought craft supplies
  26. Weaving
  27. Weaving with A and on my project.
  28. Painted

Crochet headband for oldest grand daughter, she loved it because it matches her mom’s, which I didn’t make.


Current view:

I will probably be working on this sweater a little bit every day in Feb. Not very exciting for daily tracking, but will be very exciting when I’m finished! :crossed_fingers:


I am in :slight_smile:

  1. Burying threads on bunny quilt & building a Kookaburra nesting box.

  2. Bake with Brooki - NYC Cookies

  3. Still burying threads

  4. Still burying threads - I’m having regrets

  5. Finished burying threads - Cannot find where I stored my quilt labels. Pulled the house apart. Still cannot find them - Will need to proceed and attach it posthumously.

  6. A few rows on my ballon cardigan

  7. Made binding for my bunny quilt and attached it

  8. Red velvet stuff cookies (baking fail)

  9. Valentine’s day headband

  10. Valentine’s day headband
    12.Valentine’s day headband

  11. Valentine’s day headband

  12. Ballon sweater knitting

  13. Cutting fabric for my duffle bag (and Christmas fabric jam tops for my MIL)

  14. Made a label for my quilt & finally finished binding it!

  15. Knitting my Balloon cardigan

  16. Knitting my Balloon cardigan

  17. Knitting my Balloon cardigan

  18. Knitting my Balloon cardigan

  19. Knitting my Balloon cardigan

  20. Cut out the pieces for my IWD dress & sorted the squares for my patchwork duffle

  21. Started sewing patchwork duffle


My thing for today was spending the last few hours iterating on this standing travel drawing setup. It’s not much to look at but I tried so many different configurations and I think this will work for my needs. My husband is also currently making me a little shelf to hold a couple supplies while I’m drawing.

I’ll probably iterate some more but this is what I came up with without buying anything.

  1. Worked on the embroidery for my jacket.
  2. Ditto
  3. Mini envelopes
  4. More progress on my jacket.
  5. Ditto
  6. Ditto
  7. More jacket progress.
  8. Ditto
  9. Finished the trim on the right front of my jacket.
  10. Major housekeeping day.
  11. Took my dad to lunch for his bday and visited my hubby in hospital. (He got an infection on his leg and will be on antibiotics via IV for a few days).
  12. A little work on my jacket. This might be all the crafting I get done today. :woman_shrugging:
  13. Finished my jacket!
  14. Valentine card for my sweetheart
  15. Went to a funeral AND a wedding. No crafting today! (Unless we count doing my makeup…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)
  16. Played with my baby grandson.
  17. No crafting was done today- just cleaning.
  18. Worked on a swap item today.
  19. Completed my first item for a swap.
  20. Patched some distressed jeans with fun fabric
  21. Working on swap project.
  22. Working on a swap project. No pic this time tho.
  23. More swap crafting.
  24. More swap crafting.
  25. Finished and packed up my swap items.
  26. Housecleaning!
  27. Housecleaning and Dr. appointments. **sigh…