4 Day ATC Blitz Challenge! Starts Wednesday evening-March 18

Here are my prompts 1,2, and 3


You’re all caught up on the prompts! Love your ATCs!

Here’s my rainbow card 1/8

I figure a little joy is a good thing! :smiley:

I made it at work, so supplies were limited… :wink:


Theme #4!!

Don’t forget to keep count of your posted themes!

@geekgirl, I really love your bird, @Bunny1kenobi Ode to Joy is perfect, @megwell your Margaret Atwood quote one is perfect, @BreadMenace I love your music one, and anyone else I missed…superb!

Here is 2/8 Book Page/ Words

It gave me an excuse to use new die cuts and a new embossing folder.

3/8 is way different than my normal art. Space.

Still going through pre-made atcs. I actually have premade hearts, so that will make the next theme pretty easy.

Off I go!


I love that you put books on a book page!!


…and here is 4/8…hearts!

Painted a heart, quote from a tea bag, and masterboard background


I am loving all these cards!!! It is so hard to comment on them all!! My galaxy card…



You make the most magnificent galaxies!

Lynx2lancer… your use of masterboards amazes me! So many uses that fit perfectly! I love all the colors in the space background. Bunny1kenobi your music notes are spot on! They made me feel joy!
Geekgirl wow!! Your space one takes my breath away! (The others are awesome also!)
Megwell, we all have a story… just realizing that others want to hear it can be the struggle. I love your cards. I will have to look up Zoobilee Zoo… I have never heard of it.
BreadMenace… I would love to hear the reason for your user name! I love the violin… it is awesome how the rainbow comes out of the bow!
Smmarrt… what writing is the background? It is lovely! I am drawn to tiedyed things… and your card really caught my eye!
With all that being said… I present 4/8… hearts…


3/8. I knew I wanted to reference “Outerspace” by Evan & Jaron, although I originally intended to use a different part of the verse. Still pretty happy with the outcome.


This is fab!

Here is my wordy ATC 2/8


Fun fact: my son’s name is Jarron and my half-sister’s son is named Evan…and no, we did not do that on purpose.

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Here’s my Prompt 2, 3 and 4.
Prompt 2:

My brother tells me I too much. I disagree.
Prompt 3:

My Idea for this was of a canvas painting my friend made for me. I just did the same thing but with darker colors. And different words from hers.
Prompt 4:

This one comes from the fact that I do end up falling in love with characters from a book. I don’t regret it!


I love what you did with the words in the green one. Also, great quotes and perfect for you!

I’m enjoying seeing all the directions folks take the prompts! I’m about to get started with this big crafty weekend at home, but I really need to unplug as well. So I may not post, but I’m with you in spirit. :art:


My two first days.

1/8 rainbow and 2/8 words

3/8 space and 4/8 hearts


That’s hilarious. If they ever go on tour, let me know! :laughing:

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I doubt that’ll happen–we live across the country from each other and they’ve only met once.

@Edel, I especially like your take on hearts.