4x6 art pieces

I made several 4x6 art pieces recently.

the first 2 were a set and then the 3rd was an attempt at duplicating the first 2. there’s lots of texture from burlap scraps, corrugated cardboard, punchinella. the red/purple pieces of paper are gelli printed coffee filters. And I used acrylic paints, inks, and gel pens.

The 4th one has a background of collaged book pages and lots of stencilling.


So pretty!

I agree with you, those are absolutely beautiful!

It’s so interesting to see your own style develop thru these pieces.

The 4th one came to me, is it ever beautiful.

These are gorgeous! I especially love the teal with the vibrant purple!

Love the burlap scraps on there! Beautiful pieces.

Congrats! Your project was one of the best of 2021! You are awesome!