90s elastic hem job for the dope pants win!

(I have 2 pair solid black, one not shown)

I bought 7 cute pants from a big box store for pretty cheap; the main down side was they were long, 5 inches too long. They belled out, which in and of itself makes hemming more tricky when they are much too long.

Here is a pair, unflatteringly too long.

If I were taller, and not a mighty 5’2", the style and length would be perfect.

So, I measured, then decided to cut 3" off, giving me approx 2" to make a tube for my elastic, then hide inside and reinforce.

Here is my stack of pants plus the left over bits.

Here is a pair of pants with 3" cut off for reference.

They look so fun and stylish when they are hemmed with the elastic. They are totally new pants! (Sorry for poor lighting).

They are all so fun now!

Here are the blue pants cut and only one side hemmed.

I have enough fabric left over to make 2 matching scrunchies per pant! (I’ll have another post for those.)

90s for the win!


Great job! They look nice and are much more practical. Love the variety!

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Awesome! Way to make those pants work for you! They are finished so nicely too.

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Oh my God. Pants and matching scrunchies? Totally tubular! LOL!
As a height-challenged individual myself (cough, cough) I understand your dilemma, and I adore an elastic cuff. There is nothing like stepping on the hem of your pants. It is only beaten by tripping over them. Ha! These look so comfy and totally awesome!


:rofl::rofl: Perfect phrasing!

The pants are going to be so much more comfortable now! And matching scrunchies is a great plan!!


Yes! I love it!