A huge thanks to

I’ll add my heartfelt thanks to all who re-created this community of awesome. This is the longest I’ve been active by virtue of being present in any forum & without various kerfuffles (not me, just people generally).

I’ll admit I mostly lurked across a few boards and didn’t really notice the announcement on the other place [because we have good Janet, maybe it can be the ‘Bad Place’?]
For me, this has been a great lurk-hole for inspiration and warmth and when I have participated it has been awesome. So many people with a similar ethos.

Superb work for getting a new home together so quickly under trying circumstances and much luck in finding everything that keeps you afloat over the next howeverlong!


Its been awesome to see this happen. A phoenix from the ashes.


Fammunity - what a great descriptive word!


I too love it!


That is exactly what I said when I heard the mumbling about starting something new. Phoenix from the ashes. More magnificent and revitalize than ever!


This post came through on my email (working so not much time to explore the site yet) and it solidified for me what I love about this group, as embodied by the very people who made the new site happen. Loving, giving, selfless, resilient, creative… You make me want to be a better person. Big hearts to you.


Such a heartfelt message. I am very happy to have a new home. The closing of C was a crush to my spirit, but it seemed that no one immediately around me really understood how important it was to me.
I’m still learning about the site, but it is pretty slick and I’m glad that it came together so quickly. Let me/us know what I/we can do to help.
Thank you again.


I haven’t been on craftster in forever, but I have made lifelong friends through it’s forums. When @kittykill mentioned it was closing on Facebook, I felt a sense of loss. Having not participated in a swap or forum post in years, I quickly went back over and started looking through old posts. I had taken advantage of the thought it would always be there…

And now this. I quickly became a member when I realized it was live. I’ve gotten on lockdown for too many posts when I was a newbie to the site, and I’ve fallen in love with the forums.

I am a senior applications developer (mainly C#/Angular at the moment) and the hubby is a network/server guy. I understand the labor of love and the many hours that went into building this site. Thank you so much for finding a place for all us to go to… Truly appreciate it!


Thank you! From the bottom of my crafty little heart, thank you. This online community means the world to me and I am proud to be a part of it. THIS is why.


When I’m telling people to come look at the lettuce I often struggle to be able to put into words the community here that is so much more than a website or a bunch of project posts-from now on I’m just going to direct them to this post :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you for being the sweet family who just takes a leap 'cause and of course for the moar purrz :smile_cat:


Thank you. :heart:

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Even reading this made me tired … you painted a fantastic picture of what happened behind the scenes to bring us all back together … and made me tear up yet again … THANK YOU for all you did to keep our family going.


Agree with everyone else— thanks SO much for all the hard work and dedication for bringing this new site to life, and so swiftly.

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