Here is another wee quilt in my series of embroidery enhanced photo quilts. It is a photo of the inside of a covered wagon on the Oregon trail. I had a much harder time figuring out the quilting on this one. But the whole time I was sewing I kept thinking I would have made a terrible pioneer. I can’t keep track of my needles to save my life. And worse than that when I go to buy new ones, I stand in front of the display wondering what in the world I need to by to replace my last favorite one.
This little quilt also has a different binding. It is a ruffle that was stitched between the front and the backing pillow case style again. I could do that on they little quilts because they are so small. I’ll have to think harder about how to add a ruffled binding to a quilt that is already quilted. In fact, I have a WIP sitting on my shelf because it wants a ruffled binding and I can’t quite decide how to make it happen.
(Linda -In the year 2025, I am happy to be alive! :us:)
I love your prairie series! Each little piece tells a story! Love the tiny print…perfect for this series.
The way you do a ruffle on a quilt which has been quilted is to make the ruffle (two-sided) and then lay it face down to the front of the quilt. Use binding like normal. The ruffle is caught in the binding. You can hand stitch it on the back or machine stitch it. There are loads of YouTube videos to show this step by step.
I’ve read quite a bit about the women who made the journey. They would write in their diaries things like “had baby made 10 more miles.” And it would be the first time they even mentioned they were pregnant.
(Linda -In the year 2025, I am happy to be alive! :us:)
It is so hard to imagine that they truly faced so many unknowns. It was hard physically, which most of us really know nothing about…but you can imagine the mental toll as well as they lost children and friends along the way or even lost their own lives to illness, natives, etc.
Is there a book you can recommend? I want to learn more.
There is a book called something like Women’s Diaries of the Westward expansion by Lillian Schlissel. Not sure of the spelling. It is based on her research in to the diaries.
One of the things they commonly noted were the numbers of graves they passed each day. (Usually due to things like cholera but River crossings were particularly hazardous). I think of that when I see the crosses and memorials along the highway.
What size is your fabo quilt? I just looked to see if that book is in either of my audio book clubs. No, wahhh. It sounds so interesting.
I definitely would have sucked as a pioneer woman. I freak out when we have a local power outage that lasts 10 minutes.