A well-organized craft room

Well done! What a great transformation. I know how hard it can be to let someone else into your space, looking through all your stuff. I’m glad you found someone who did it correctly and really helped you go through with it.
I hope you get a lot of crafting done and get a lot of joy out of your new room.


It was difficult at first, but she was the cat’s pajamas. I hope that next spring I can have her over to go through other rooms in my house. She said they won’t take nearly as long, that craft rooms and kitchens are generally the most work.


This is very inspiring! I’m so excited for you that you get to have a beautiful and useable space! Way to face the fears and overwhelm! I appreciate you sharing so much, and mentioning it was about 20 hours. I’m wanting (or really, desperately needing) to undertake my version of this, and a 20 hour ballpark feels so much more doable than the endless task it seems like right now.


It was a four-hour session once a week, so it was doable for me.
I had a little bit of homework in between, but it was mostly organizing stickers into a book. We also moved my geocaching supplies to a basement closet instead of having it mixed in with crafting. If it wasn’t about crafting then it wasn’t staying in the room.
You can do this! :mechanical_arm:


Thank you! :sparkling_heart: I’ll face my shame and exhaustion and maybe even take before photos. :sweat_smile:


I would like to do something like this, but I have a sneaky feeling part of the trouble is more stash than the craft room can realistically hold.

Yours turned out great! It must be such a relief to have help through the process!


I am afraid of that as well…I know what needs to be done but I don’t want to…


This is so inspiring! I know exactly how this feels and have the same unorganized craft room issues caused by and adding to the anxiety and overwhelm. This must feel so freeing.

And how nice is it be to be able to see all the things so you don’t buy duplicates?!

What did you do with the purged items?


Some items went to various friends, some went to my son, some will be put in Shop the Swap, and the rest went to thrift if it wasn’t trash or recycling.