Address Book from Bubble Mailer & Calendar Scraps

My first bound book! The lovely @AIMR sent me some goodies in a bright pink bubble mailer, which made my day almost as much as the goodies :laughing:. So naturally, I saved it.

I also had some decent-sized, really graphically cool scraps from an old movie poster calendar that I couldn’t bear to cut up. I cut the mailer down to size and bound the pages in using the 3-hole/pamphlet stitch. Considering I largely winged the measurements, I’m pretty happy with the result. I plan to make this my LC address book.

A few interior photos:

And the binding (although I think the book is actually upside down here).

Thanks for looking!


lol I love your posts because it seems you use EVERYTHING!

So creative and fun…the inside pages are really cool and a glimpse of movies past…


How fun is this? You DO use everything!


Great reuse of the bubble mailer! :smiley: And wonderful job on your first bound book! Are you going to collage in return address labels or envelopes or…???


That’s a positive spin on my tendency to KEEP everything that might hypothetically be useful :wink:.

That’s my main plan. If I request an address (e.g., for happy mail purposes), I may create a label equivalent for it.


How cool is this? And I love the idea of using it as an LC address book!


Creative way to reuse the mailer. It was a fun mailer. Great job on the book making.

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I saved those cards you made me from your calendar, they are so cool, so I would expect nothing less here. :smiley:

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Thanks, everyone!!