ALL NEW, REIMAGINED Harry Potter Craftalong - Spring 2024

Prompt/Challenge Title: Artist Choice
Project Name & Page Link: Phone Holder Painted Ceramic
Team: :cyclone: :sparkles: :cyclone: The Quibbler :cyclone: :sparkles: :cyclone:
Brief Description: My son and I went to a local place called Arts on Fire and painted ceramic! This is supposed to be a business card holder, but it works very well as a holder for my phone when I want to videochat.


My organizer is coming today for the first of a few sessions to organize my craft room! I’ll take pics and when it’s finished I can enter it into another slot here. I hope it works out well.


Super fun phone holder!

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Thank you! I’m looking forward to going there again and painting something else. There were so many cool ceramics.

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Happy Gred and Feorge day!

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Prompt/Challenge Title: Slug & Jigger
Project Name: Three Wee Dresses
Team: Daily Prophet
Brief Description: While visiting my parents I discovered a bunch of old binding strips from a quilt I made many many years ago. They were wadded up tightly as if they had gone through the washer, tied themselves into a series of knots, and then been abandoned as too much work to salvage. I managed to untangle everything but they were still incredibly creased, so I soaked them all in water, let them air dry for a bit, and then ironed them to try to get out the worst of the wrinkles. I was only mildly successful but they are good enough for doll clothes. One and a half strips got turned into these three dresses.


Now THAT’S some kind of magic!

Project dump incoming! Here’s a few things I finished over Lent…

Prompt/Challenge Title: Molly’s Housecraft Challenge - Scrap Busting
Project Name & Page Link: Saint Monica Bar Decoration
Team: Daily Prophet
Brief Description: It didn’t bust a lot of stash, but I used things that had been in my stash for ages to make this little wall hanging for my drinking buddies.

Prompt/Challenge Title: Hospital Wing
Project Name & Page Link: Wool Tote Bag
Team: Daily Prophet
Brief Description: I dug my crochet hooks out of the bottom of a basket to revisit a craft I’m good at but avoid because of a wonky rotator cuff. I didn’t use a pattern, just started stitching.

Prompt/Challenge Title: Privet Drive
Project Name & Page Link: Nesting Bowls
Team: Daily Prophet
Brief Description: Who doesn’t need more storage, or at least something to help keep all the little bits and bobs a bit more organized? Nothing spectacular or complicated, just a few modest and simple wool bowls…that my dog will probably try to eat.

Prompt/Challenge Title: Madame Malkin’s
Project Name & Page Link: Catholic School Plaid Jacket
Team: Daily Prophet
Brief Description: Pinning is not my favorite part of sewing, but this project demanded a ridiculous amount of it. Not to mention all the finishing details that had to be sewn by hand. Aside from all of the inadvertent finger pricks, this jacket was very satisfying to create.

Prompt/Challenge Title: The Cupboard Under the Stairs
Project Name & Page Link: Cloned Jeans
Team: Daily Prophet
Brief Description: These jeans actually fit my body too perfectly, without quite enough ease to move comfortably. Lesson learned: make a muslin.

Prompt/Challenge Title: Molly’s Housecraft Challenge - WIP
Project Name & Page Link: Cotton Candy Boomerang Shawl
Team: Daily Prophet
Brief Description: This shawl was started a few months back, but got set aside while I worked on other things. When I needed something easy to work on, I picked it back up and finished it off.

Prompt/Challenge Title: King’s Cross Station
Project Name & Page Link: Striped Musselburgh Hat
Team: Daily Prophet
Brief Description: This hat was a gift for my DH. I didn’t manage to finish it for Christmas, or his birthday, or Valentine’s Day…so, he got it for Easter, lol.


Great projects, you HAVE been busy!

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Thanks! I have another handful that I still need to snap pictures of. :joy:

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The bourbon wall hanging is the best. Good fun to click on the pic and see it all huge on my screen. Is that a snake head poking out from the glass in the center?

I have had nesting bowls on my list. There’s all these great swaps that keep getting in the way, sheesh.


It’s an amber-colored glass drop bead that’s suspended from the cork. Kind of like the last drop of whiskey. The sealing wax on the bottle didn’t quite go how I’d hoped it would… it’s a little globbed up. :confused:


Wow, that’s a lot of work represented there. Everything looks amazing!

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Thank you!

Wow! @tendstowardschaos what a lot of wonderful work! That jacket is blowing my mind. Nice!!

@Trillian I love how you found a way to turn the bindings into such beautiful little dresses!

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Floor of craft room is cleared. Next week we clean off the big table and probably inside the cubbies and closet, time permitting.


tendstowardschaos I am very impressed with how well lined up the lines are in your jacket!

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Thanks! I tried very hard to make sure the fabric was properly aligned before cutting. I usually work in solids so I don’t have to be so meticulous, lol.

@endymion - I love the crocheted dragon!

@plaidpineapple - wonderful crochet - the border for your afghan looks great!

@irid3sc3nt - nice phone holder!

@Trillian - your tiny dresses are so cute!

@tendstowardschaos - I love making crochet bowls & baskets - most of my family members have been gifted at least one! The jacket is awesome and I love the Musselburgh hats you’ve made!