All The Pretty Stars

Another, larger, experiment in inktense pigments… the first I’ve painted in weeks.

Still working on getting a lot of pigment down without it getting too grainy…not really succeeding. I’m chalking it up to being too impatient for layers to dry. I don’t like taping down the edges, but it’ll help with water pooling in strange ways as the paper dries in some areas, but not others. I also let it get too dark at the bottom, so there’s not enough contrast with the trees in the foreground. Oh, well, better luck next time. :joy:

Takeaway: paper needs to stay flat and I need to try working in (more) layers.

ETA: it’s 7"x10"


Wow this is gorgeous!

I think that’s probably more the nature of the inktense than your technique. The pigment size is a bit on the larger size and some colors will always granulate.


Thanks! Yeah, they never truly dissolve all the way, but I think more and lighter layers will reduce the chance that they pool in the way that they’re doing.


Something else to consider would be the paper you’re using. 100% cotton paper will buckle less and thicker paper also helps.

I recently did a wet on wet test of 140lb watercolor paper with 0% cotton content and 300lb watercolor paper with 100% cotton. The 300lb paper didn’t buckle at all even though I literally flooded it and was swishing the water back and forth.

Your painting really is gorgeous, looking forward to seeing your future projects!


Ooh, good point! I was trying out a new type of paper. And… it’s not cotton, lol. Oh, jeez, none of my watercolor paper is! I do like the 200 series Strathmore paper that I’ve used previously better than this stuff…less texture. Hmm, I think I might go paper shopping, too.


Such pretty colors! Also, you captured the perspective of this perfectly. Beautiful!

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Thank you!

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Looks like all of your watercolor paper is 90lb. Even going to 140lb with 25% cotton content will probably be a noticeable difference to you. I got a pad of this Fabriano Studio Watercolor paper that I really like. It is more textured than my Canson XL watercolor paper though.


It is a stunning picture!

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Thanks for the recommendation, @photojenn!

Thank you, @endymion!


I like that is got a little darker than you intended. It gives it an isolated, deep in the woods, away from light pollution feel. It’s stunning.

And I agree about the paper, I don’t watercolor, but paper is so important in artwork.


This is stellar! Srsly, though. I think the darkness of the bottom feels a lot like what the night is like within the forest.


Thank you. :heart:

I ordered a couple small blocks of cotton watercolor paper, cold- and hot-pressed, to try out. Also, a couple mop brushes, which are good for laying down a lot of color and blending.

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I tried out my new brushes and the cotton paper. I like the paper, just not overly fond of the block format.


These are all absolutely gorgeous!

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Thank you!

They’re all beautiful but I particularly like the 2nd one. It makes me remember being in the mountains and star watching. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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