Next Pica Pau animal is done! Meet Anderson Seal! I love that it’s his official name from the book, because we really do have seals here around Anderson Island in WA.
I had a lot of challenges with this little guy. I had to start over several times on both the collar part and the hat. The wavy pattern was new to me and took quite a while to get my head around it, but worked out fine once I finally figured it out. For the hat, I think my yarn was actually a smaller weight (oops!), and I had to increase and add more rows to make it fit. Then the ribbing around the edge was very difficult. I’m sure it didn’t, but it felt like the hat took as long to make as the seal!
I continue to really enjoy making these, especially since they’re something I can do with my hands while chatting/D&Ding online with friends or watching shows.
He looks so cute! I recently did a tapestry crochet project with a repeating pattern and a lot of color changes, so I really appreciate the difficulty of the neck design. It looks perfect!
Hurray for Anderson Island and Anderson Seal! He looks SO good. Really, if you hadn’t told us, I don’t know that anyone would have know that you had troubles with him.
Thanks! The colors are the closest I could get to the ones in the pattern book. One of the things that first attracted me to these books is the color palette; I’m not usually a pastel fan but the colors in these books are beautiful! It’s been hard finding yarn exactly like them but I’ve been happy with the ones I’ve found. Ooh, and spoiler - I’m currently working on another Pica Pau pattern but this time I’m NOT using the same colors as the book!