Another pencil-style pouch

A birthday present for my child’s bestie:

She told us her party theme was Llamas (but we’re not allowed to tell her other friends, so it’ll be a surprise when it’s not Harry Potter…) and they’re definitely at the age of sparkly glamorous stuff.


Back, (covering the kid’s name) with a plastic gem salvaged from a pair of yard sale earrings as the zipper pull.

Anyway, it’s that pencil pouch pattern again, only this one didn’t turn out pencil-sized. Also, I used & shortened a hand-me-down metal zipper, and it wasn’t traumatic, so that’s nice. :slight_smile:

Now I’m just going to have the ridiculous “I’m a Llama!” song that the girls made up stuck in my head for the next week…


So much glamour.



Love it!!

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Way to glam up a pouch!

I have gotten quite a few inquiries from people because I really do store pens and pencils in mine and pull it out when I have to sign all of those credit card slips. I might make a few glammed up ones to hand out…thanks for making a pouch fun! Bet your kids friends will all want one!


Such a great gift to get!

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This is so fantastic! The trim fabrics and gem are the perfect touches to an already very cool llama.

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This is great! I love it. I hope there’s no Llama Drama at the party!

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Well, so far I’m only on the hook for one “just like it!” for my kid, which is good, since that’s how much of the gold braid I have left…

It was in fact a Llama Drama party, complete with stage curtains & yelling 7-year-olds pretending to be cats. :crazy_face:


Cuuuute! I love the gold braid.

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Very fancy! It is so bright and fun.

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That is fab!! So much fun :sparkles::llama::sparkles:


… cats?? lol …

Fabulous pouch! This will be the gift hit of the year among your DD’s friends.

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I bet this is going to be a HUGE hit! It ticks a lot of glamour girl boxes.

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I really like all the sparkly frilly bits tarting up that drama Llama!

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It’s fantabulous!!!

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