Another Striped Raglan Sweater

DS2 insisted on a sweater that looks like the American flag. I don’t do colorwork, so I told him he’ll have to forgo the stars. He agreed, but demanded that the sleeves also be striped. I conceded.

I used Jane Richmond’s kids’ raglan pattern and Cascade 220 Superwash Merino. I dislike this yarn. The colors bled something fierce. Even after washing the red and blue in hot water and rinsing them for an inordinate amount of time, they’re still bleeding color. They did soften with washing, but are still not as soft as you should expect from Merino. Oh well. He’ll outgrow it before too long, then I can knit him another one. :wink:


Wow, bet he’s pleased with it! And he’ll have something to wear on Independence Day.


It stinks that they bleed, but the colors do look good. So crisp and bright. Love this one, too.


It sure is adorable! The stripes on the sleeves make it, but oof that’s a real shame about the bleeding. There outta be a law!


Thank you! It hasn’t been very cold yet this winter, but hopefully he’ll get a chance to wear it soon.

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Awesome and very flag-like even with no stars!


He’s already plotting my next projects for me…matching socks, matching mittens, matching pants … :joy:


Maybe by the time he outgrows it, he can talk you into those stars! Ha! It looks great, sorry about the bleed. That must have been frustrating with all that work and how great it turned out. Super American flag even without the stars.


Thanks! The bleed could have been a lot worse. The yarn started turning my needles colors while I was knitting the swatch, and washing the swatch confirmed the problem. So, I knew to wash the yarn prior to knitting. Hopefully, it won’t be too bad when it gets thrown in the washer.


Wow, it looks great!


Prewashing…. It’s my least favorite part of the sewing process for me.

This sweater turned out great! And I bet he loves it!

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Thanks! He was quite chuffed when I finished it. We have a fancy dinner coming up, and I’m going to make him wear it, lol.