Antique button pendants

Still playing with wire wrapping over here, and I have started digging into my antique glass button stash to make pendants.

I am still using inexpensive materials to play, but am finally looking at getting some more “precious” metals as well, because I have finally decided these don’t suck. lol


Oooh, they are beautiful! That last button is stunning!

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Thanks! I have so many amazing vintage and antique buttons, very much to the point where I have to decide whether or not I am a button dragon, and if not, I need to actually use the hoard for things. :laughing:


They are gorgeous, tell me how did you learn? YouTube?

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I have a small collection of jet glass buttons on a dressy blouse…that I haven’t worn in at least 5 years, now that I think about it. Maybe I need more occasions to dress up, or find another purpose for the buttons.

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They don’t suck, they are wonderful. You are mastering this craft! Love the antique buttons, those are so precious and fun to show off in unusual ways.

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I have watched some YouTube videos, but I took silversmithing classes in high school, like, 30 years ago, and was a professional goldsmith for a few years in my early 20s, so I have a professional background in working with metals in a jewelry-related way. A lot of this is me just messing around, no instruction needed.

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Thanks! I have been working with some stones as well (last weekend was the local gem and mineral show and I bought an embarrassing amount of inexpensive stone bead strands)

(The moon one isn’t done yet, I got the wild hair about the buttons and set it aside until I can decide if it needs some small beads)

But the buttons ARE like little gems, so I think they work so well like this. :smiley:


What a great way to get to wear such pretty buttons!


These are so amazing!

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These are gorgeous! I love those delicious vintage buttons and this is an amazing way to showcase them. This is a skill I really wish I had.

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They’re all beautiful! I especially like the second one with the jet beads.

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:dove: A little bird told me that you’re fantastic craft is one of this week’s Featured Projects! Chirp chirp! :peacock:

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These are incredibly beautiful. The wirework on the first one is especially impressive.


Wow, these are so cool! What a great idea! I’ve looked into wire wrapping before, but im always intimidated

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Yes! intimidated is definitely the right word.

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