Tonight I made this apple cake for the second time in a week, and for the second time it was devoured too fast for me to get good photos! At least I managed to snap a quick shot of this one while there was still a bit left.
This cake is SO TASTY, and if you happen to have the hand-cranked peel/core/slice tool that we have, it’s very easy too! It definitely takes longer if you have to peel and cut the apples by hand though.
I have no idea where my mom first got the recipe; it could have been from a friend or a magazine or who knows what, but anyway, here is the recipe for the moistest, chewiest, most apple-y cake ever!
4 Cups diced apples (usually about 4 apples, depending on size)
2 Cups sugar
Mix together and add:
1/2 Cup vegetable oil
1 Cup nuts (optional; I don’t use nuts because I’m allergic)
2 eggs, well beaten
2 tsp vanilla
Mix and add:
2 Cups flour
2 tsp baking soda
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp salt
Bake in greased cake pan at 325F for glass or 350F for other, for 50 minutes (or 70 minutes in a tube pan).
Good to know! I didn’t have apple cake, but I did have a pink lady apple that Mr sbc cut up for me… It was delicious. But I bet this cake is even more delicious-er. Mmmmmm
Looks delish! This totally reminds me of the apple cake we used to nosh on in college. It was served with a huge scoop of vanilla bean ice cream. I have to try this recipe…thanks for sharing!
I had some extra apples that I needed to use up so I found your post at the perfect time. I made it for a get together last night. I also just have a partially empty pan to show thanks for sharing!