Art Journaling Craftalong - 2021

@geekgirl nice organising. That’s really helpfull to have everything in one place.

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I just added pixabay.

I may need prodding once in a while to update it. feel free to poke me.


I think I’ve convinced a friend to join me for the zoom tonight. Hope that’s ok. She and I will be on the same computer, so it will really just be me zooming, but I’ll have a “guest” (our sons have decided our families are quarantine buddies, we don’t mind). :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh I jinxed it, lol…she can’t join tonight, but hopefully next time. I’m sure I’ll have a little “guest” still…


Unfortunately my lovelies, I can’t make it tonight, but I hope to do the page in my own time. Have a lovely zoom and I hope I’ll catch the next one.


I’m sorry to hear you can’t make it. I hope all is well and I’m excited to see what you make!

I just confirmed my baby sitter for tonight’s meet up!!! I will definitely be there!! Finally!!!


I will be there so long as I don’t forget! I’m going to put a reminder in my phone.


Looking forward to the meetup tonight! Just checking to make sure the zoom info hasn’t gone out yet (I don’t see it in my inbox).

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I haven’t seen it either. I was wondering, too and hoping I didn’t miss it! :sweat_smile:

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Cool, I’m sure it just hasn’t been sent out yet. I voted on the poll late so wanted to make sure I wasn’t too late :slight_smile:


I made some texture paste using arrowroot powder. I didn’t have baby powder and the baking soda looked to grainy. I considered corn starch and will likely give it a try sometime, but I chose the arrowroot because it is so fine and I have some.

My glue and white paint were rather thick from lack of use so I had to add water and then add more powder because it was too thin. It’s interesting stuff, reminds me a bit of Silly Putty. When you spread it, it breaks up some, but then as it sits it gets glossy on top, kind of liquidy. But it worked very well and dried quickly, smooth and hard, no powder. But it may have dried quickly because our humidity in this cold snap is so very, very low. I’m sure it is far from archival and only time will tell on its durability.

1/4 cup arrowroot powder
1 tbsp white glue
1 tbsp white paint
water if needed


If it weren’t for your post about your friend I would have missed it! I thought it was tomorrow!

Also, while I was on the the computer, I happened to check our COVID vaccine status and they had just released new appointments! We got in for tomorrow…what a lucky break…perfect timing…usually appointments are gone in a couple of hours from the release times! So, hey, thanks for checking!!!


I made homemade using baby powder…don’t make a lot because it goes bad quickly…I threw out the last batch I made a month ago…it was so gross!

that’s the problem with homemade stuff, it’s hard to keep it from getting gross, but then we know what is in it, no nasty preservatives. Making as needed seems best sometimes.

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Dried, it seems to be holding up pretty well!

Hey we are making texture paste right now, too! :laughing: I found some leftover baby powder in the girls’ room. They call it sneezy powder, ha! I had the same issue…added too much water, now too thin, adding more powder…we’ll see…my kids are still mixing.

Congrats on the vaccine apt, always!! Woo-hoo!

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I wonder if refrigerating it would prolong it’s shelf life. you’d probably have to let it come to room temp before using it

@AIMR, @audity, @marionberries, @jemimah, @Kwality570, @Edel, @geekgirl, @Abbeeroad, @photojenn, @LuckyXIIICreations

I sent the zoom info! Can’t wait to see everyone tonight!


Unfortunately, I might be out tonight (massive headache, going to go lay down now) :frowning:

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We will miss you, but I hope you feel better! Thanks for letting me know!