Art Journaling Craftalong - 2021

@geekgirl I really like the ink smudges, it gives it depth and makes the pods look really 3-d

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Sorry I missed the session, but enjoyed doing the video later in the day. I had some quite vibrant inks in the background that didn’t want to be covered with white!


@photojenn pretty colours and splatters, nicely balanced pods
@Abbeeroad love your black outlines and stems. Nice to discover song hidden in there!
@AIMR love your black ink work, pod colours, and soft colours in background
@Edel nice pod shapes and love how they curl in different directions
@geekgirl lovely colours and your black ink gives a nice energy


Beautiful! I love the “ghosted” pods in your background. Haha…great eye on the song!

Everyone’s backgrounds are so awesome. I’m definitely going to get some acrylic inks!


@Bel sorry we missed you but glad you did the project…I also love the intense colors and like how you save some of it even in the quieter background pods…lovely piece!


You know I want all the little itty bits! They make cool stuff…

I am out of cards until yesterday’s project gets finished. My hands ache from all the paint pouncing & stamping, I gotta take a break from that. I have a batch of blank cards already addressed for friends & family so I chopped up an art magazine to glue on them. I cut them up late at night when I was over-tired, next time I’ll add any artist names I can find to the backs of the cards to credit them, just because I’d like that if it were my photo or collage, you know?


OOO I missed this one. But then I can barely see my crafting counter. Porch crazy. We are doing much of the finishing work ourselves. We put in the floor and they wall you can’t see is original cedar siding, a couple of windows and a door. All need TLC to be presentable. Onward and upward.


@Abbeeroad I love how much yours pop off the background and that you played with having some go off of the page and behind others. What kind of ink did you use to make the background?

@Magpie WOW! You were busy! So much fun and happiness in your picture. I want to come play at your house :joy:

@AIMR I really love your outlines, they set the tone for the entire piece. What kind of ink did you use to make your background? I really like the nebula effects you got with them.

@Edel your shapes are gorgeous, very organic. Were you using watercolors?

@geekgirl I LOVE the vibrancy of your background and how the two pieces have a completely different feel with the different colors.

@Bel I love the tops of your shapes and it looks like you also added some white detailing in which makes them pop! What kind of ink did you use for your background?


Mine are finally dry and done-ish from yesterday! I was enjoying the coloring too much to stop at one, haha. I haven’t thought of anything to write on them yet so I’m not going to force it; the words will arrive when they are ready. :smile:

Lacking the fine-liner, I applied the dark ink linings with the plastic tube inside a little spray bottle. I love how scrawly the effect is!

One more, inverting the black and white, and using flower-shaped masks. Unfortunately I used glossy spray paint so the camera is picking up all the reflections:


I want to sleep on that couch and wake up to that gorgeous view! It is such a welcoming space. Brava to both of you!

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Those shapes are great! How did you make the wisps?

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I was thinking that since we’re all using whatever supplies we have on hand, it might be fun to add some details about which supplies we used on our pages. I’m going to edit my original post to include what I used. If nothing else, it will help me remember what I used if I stumble across it in the future :slight_smile:


It was all with the stem of this guy, flicking out from wet ink puddles; worked like a charm!


@Magpie - awesome batch of cards!!

@marionberries - Ah! Your porch is looking so awesome! You’re going to enjoy it so much.

@photojenn - I used watered down acrylics. I walked away from purchasing the inks. But I really love the effects everyone got, so will be getting some eventually!

@calluna - Beautiful!!! I really love your wispy lines. The left piece in the 2nd photo reminds me or Brian Froud.


That’s a great idea. I added my materials to my post. :slight_smile:


Yes! It is always encouraging to find that some cool effect can be achieved with something from around the house.


I still have those to send to you! I will pop them in the mail today…I was busy using them up to make my own alcohol inks that I forgot I promised you some!

What an awesome tool to use…I feel your pieces were very spontaneous and free because you had limited tools…there is something to be said about that…

Also, I love the use of black instead of white! Reminds me of those crayon art pieces we did when I was a kid…color in the background, color it all black, then scratch off the design!

@photojenn I used powdered inks that you sprinkle on…I could make them into sprays but I was lazy…


No worries! And I am intrigued by the idea of powdered inks…must investigate…I want to do something like this background that came with my phone:

Watercolor Crystals are likely what I’ll buy. But powdered ink might give even better intensity


These are what I used…


Thats a great idea, I will edit my post with what I used.

But in answer to your question, it was watercolours for the background, then two layers of white acrylic on top. And the pen was a black felt tip and a gold uniball signo